


Title : 舌粘膜微小循環に関する薬理学的研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 松川英彦
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学薬理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 2
Page : 323-334
Year/Month : 1980 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 舌は粘膜におおわれた可動性にとむ筋性器官で, 発達した感覚系を有し, 発音および咀嚼を司る重要な器官である. したがって, 神経支配は複雑多岐にわたり, 血管分布も比較的豊富であるとされている. すなわち, 末梢血管や神経支配を中心とした研究が多いのもそのためで, 末梢血管ではその分布および血管構築など, staticな形態学的な研究が主体をなしている. 血管壁その他への神経支配も組織化学的な検索がなされてきたが数は多くない. ところが, 末梢循環動態を研究対象としたものとなると, さらにその数は少ない. しかし, 一つの臓器の機能が末梢血管系である微小循環動態に依存する以上, この生理学的循環動態の研究は必須のものとなる. 試みとして顕微鏡下で舌の毛細血管反射が検討されたり, Isotopeラベルのmicro sphere法, plethysmography, 血管直径の測定等があるが, 客観性のある連続量として把握できなかった.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Pharmacological study on microcirculatory hemodynamics of lingual mucous in dogs
Subtitle :
Authors : Hidehiko Matsukawa
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pharmacology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 2
Page : 323-334
Year/Month : 1980 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Microcirculatory hemodynamics of lingual mucous membrane in dogs was studied to elucidate the regulatory mechanism of peripheral circulation by using cross-thermocouple method. The influences of a vasoactive substances (adrenaline, noradrenaline, acetylcholine and bradykinin) on the lingual microcirculatory system were investigated. Either adrenaline (Adr) or noradrenaline (Noradr) reduced the capillary flow in the lingual mucous membrane. In terms of the decreasing flow rate, the former outdid the latter, and these flow rate were two to three-fold larger than the changes in the carotid blood flow. These findings suggest the fact that the resistant vessels in the submucous membrane, especially the precapillary sphincter, are more sensitive to Adr than to Noradr. Adrenaline reversal, which was not observed on the gingival and buccal mucous membrane at all, was evidently occured on the dorsal and behind mucous membrane in the lingual apex, but it was not occured on the both of mucous membrane in the lingual radix. This may be due to the differences of vascular architecture, the number of β-sensitive receptors and the opening and closing mechanism of A-V anastomosis. Therefore, it can be suggested that A-V anastomosis and vascular architecture as well as the sensitivity of the precapillary sphincter on the sublingual mucous membrane have an important roll on the microcirculatory regulation at the increase of the sympathetic nervous tone. The effects of acetylcholine (ACh) and bardykinin (BK) on the lingual microvascular system manifested themselves in more complicated manners as follows. 1) The changes were ordinarily consisted to biphasic, namely, an initial and a delayed phase. 2) As for the initial change, half of the cases showed an increase in the capillary flow, and the other half showed a decrease. 3) The delayed effects were in contrast to the initial effects. These changes which showed an increase in the first phase revealed decreases in the second phase. The effects of BK were more potent than those of ACh, suggesting that the capillary beds on the sublingual mucous membrane are more sensitive to BK than to ACh. This complexity may be related to leave a working space on the structure of the vascular beds. In a case of a sudden increase in the capillary flow, it may very well turn out to locally produce a pressure difference and to induce a variable responses on the lingual microvascular system. When these questions were put in the pharmacological screening, some aspect could be clarified. The changes induced by ACh were remarkably abolished by atropine, but the changes induced by BK were not affected. The initial decreases in the capillary flow induced by ACh and BK were either abolished or inhibited considerably by anginin, and also were prevented by phenoxybenzamine. On the other hand, the delayed effects produced by both agents were inhibited by anginin, and improved by phenoxybenzamine and propranolol. This suggests that the decrease in the initial effects and the changes in the delayed effects may depend on a kinin-like substance liberated by ACh stimulation, such as hightone of parasympathetic nervous system. The kinin-like substance must partake as a vasoactive subtance on the peripheral circulatoy regulation in the oral microcirculation.
Practice : Dentistry
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