


Title : 合成アパタイトならびにヒト歯牙に対するフッ化チタン化合物の作用
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 安彦良一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 3
Page : 370-393
Year/Month : 1980 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 1930年代からの一連の調査, 研究により, フッ化物がう蝕抑制に大きな効果を示すことは疑いのない事実として認められている. 現在, う蝕抑制のために全身的あるいは局所的に何種類かのフッ化物が用いられているが, わが国においては局所的なフッ化物応用が主体である. そのうち, 歯面塗布に用いられているフッ化物としては, 酸性フッ素リン酸溶液(APF;1.23%F), 2%などNaF, 8%SnF2が主なものである. 他方, フッ素そのものによるう蝕抑制効果を期待するものの他に, とくに金属化合物とう蝕抑制効果との関係についても種々検討がなされている. 1972年B.M.ShresthaらおよびA.A.Mundorffらは新しい局所応用フッ化物として四フッ化チタン(TiF4)を応用し, これについて発表した. すなわち, TiF4をエナメル質の表面に作用させると, その表面に特殊な反応物を生じ(Glazing効果), 耐酸性が増強されるというものである.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Effect of Various Titanium Fluoride Compounds on Hydroxyapatite, Human Enamel and Wohle Tooth Powder.
Subtitle :
Authors : Ryoichi Ahiko
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dental Health, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 3
Page : 370-393
Year/Month : 1980 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] : Effects of various titanium fluoride compounds on the hydroxyapatite (HA), enamel powder and whole tooth powder were studied. It may be cosidered that the greater part of fluorine in each compounds solution exists in combined from which is dissociated to free fluoride ion through the contact with tooth powder. This dissociation rate of fluoride was higher in the contact with enamel powder than whole tooth powder. In the high concentrated titanium fluoride solution, fluoride dissociation was particularly low and a characteristic fluoride adsorption was seen by the contact with tooth powder. Fluoride adsorption rate was rapid in titanium fluoride solution than in sodium fluoride solution. This tendency, however, was not agreed with intaked fluoride quantity in the same sample powder. An excellent acid-resistance was seen in the enamel powder sample, but no relationship was seen between acid-resistance and intaked quantity of fluoride. Therefore, there may be some factors other than fluoride such as titanium itself as metal or titanium fluoride itself. In the enamel powder sample, improvement of crystallinity was seen by fluoride treatment. For the improvement of acid-resistance and crystallinity, an excessive organic substance may not be desirable. Also in the treatment of the enamel surface with fluoride solution, an excellent acid-resistance was found by titanium fluoride comparing with sodium fluoride. In a point of view with clinical application, Na2TiF6, and TiK2F6 and TiF4 may be superior ones.
Practice : Dentistry
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