


Title : Sr, Se, Mo, Cdの歯におよぼす影響 第2報 : Fイオン共存下における各元素のハイドロキシアパタイトにおよぼす影響について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 山本明
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 3
Page : 422-428
Year/Month : 1980 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 エナメル質中の微量元素とう蝕抵抗性との関連に関する研究が, 1950年代のBrudevoldらによる一連の研究以来, 比較的多くみられるようになった. しかし, 各種微量元素とう蝕との関連で, はっきりと証明されたものはほとんどない. たとえば, Buttnerらは26種の元素について, その歯牙硬組織に対する影響を調べるためにげっ歯類について実験を行なっているが, 特にう蝕と関連のある元素をみいだしていない. いずれにしても, 微量元素のうち, フッ素(F)だけがう蝕予防性を有することが確実に認められており, その他のものとしてモリブデン(Mo)にう蝕予防性がありそうだといわれているくらいである. ただ, カドミウム(Cd)がアパタイトにとりこまれてその溶解性を減少させるという所見もある. また逆にう蝕罹患性を増大させるといわれるセレニウム(Se)や, Fとの共存でエナメル質形成に障害を与えうるといわれるストロンチウム(Sr)などもある.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Studies with the Effects of Sr, Se, Mo and Cd Ions on the Tooth (2) Effects of Trace Elements under the Varying Concentrations of F Ions on the Hydroxyapatite and the Human Enamel Powder
Subtitle :
Authors : Akira Yamamoto
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dental Health, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 3
Page : 422-428
Year/Month : 1980 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] : The effects of four trace elements (Sr, Se, Me, and Cd) in the combination of F ion upon the hydroxyapatite and the human powder were studied through the quantitative determinations of calcium and phosphorus contents and/or the the X-ray diffractometry of samples. Each trace element and fluoride were given the concentrations as 0, 10, 50ppm, respectively, which were applied for 24 hours to the sample. Results were summarized as follows. 1. An ascending effect of F ions upon Ca/P ratio (in moles) and an improving effect of F ions upon the hydroxyapatite crystals were clearly observed. These tendencies were slightly seen in the enamel powder, too. 2. Improvement of the hydroxyapatite crystallinity by Cd ions was distinctly found. This effect of Cd, however, was not seen in the enamel powder, and moreover, improving effect of F ions (50ppm) upon the hydroxyapatite crystallinity was suppressed by Cd ions which were coexisting with F ions. 3. A slight improvement of the enamel crystallinity was noticed by Sr ions, but this tendency was not observed in the hydroxyapatite. 4. Generally speaking, descending effects of these four trace elements upon Ca/P ratios (in moles) of both hydroxyapatite and enamel were found, and besides, they had a tendency to suppress the ascending effects of F ions upon Ca/P ratio. Moreover, except for Sr, it could be considered that these trace metals may suppress the improving effect of F ions upon the enamel crystal.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :