


Title : 根管処置時のイオン導入に関する実験的研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 海老原仁
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 3
Page : 429-449
Year/Month : 1980 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 感染根管治療時におけるイオン導入法は, 根の消毒を短時間に遂行し得る方法として, 古くから推奨されている. 最近に至り, フッ素のイオン導入により根管の消毒のみならず, 根尖歯周組織の骨性瘢痕治癒を促進させようとする報告が2, 3みられる. しかしながらフッ素イオン導入法が, 根尖歯周組織の治癒促進作用を生ずる機序, とくにフッ素もしくは電流の根尖歯周組織に及ぼす影響については詳にされていない. そこで著者はフッ素イオン導入, 直流通電およびフッ素貼布などを, イヌの歯の抜髄に併用し, 根管充填後の側枝, 分岐根管内組織および根尖歯周組織における病理組織学的所見を検索した. その結果つぎのような所見が得られた. 1. イヌの新鮮抜去歯を用いた寒天内植立模型でNaFイオン導入を行うと, フッ素イオンの大部分は根尖周囲へ輸送されることが確認された. 2. 分岐根管内の炎症反応は, 初期例においては通電群の方が大きかった. しかし, 術後8週経過すると, NaFイオン導入群と陽通電群は, 非通電群と同様に分岐根管内の炎症反応はほとんど消退していた. しかし, 陰通電群のみは血管の拡張, 充血, 円形細胞浸潤が強く認められた. 3. 根尖歯周組織における炎症反応は, 日数の経過とともに漸減の傾向を示し, 術後8週経過例ではNaFイオン導入群と陽通電群は, 非通電群とともに炎症反応は消退していた. しかし, 陰通電群は8週経過例においても, 炎症の稽留がみられた. 4. 分岐根管内組織の病態は, 一般的に根尖部歯周組織の組織学的変化と密接な関係を有することがわかった. 5. 脱灰切片標本による病理組織学的検索法, microradiographyおよび螢光顕微鏡法により検討した結果, 通電群では4週例から, 非通電群では8週例において分岐根管内の硬組織添加が認められた. これらのことにより, NaFイオン導入および直流通電は, 分岐根管内の硬組織添加に関与することが示唆される.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : An experimental study on the effect of iontophoresis in root canal treatment
Subtitle :
Authors : Hitoshi Ebihara
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Conservative Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 3
Page : 429-449
Year/Month : 1980 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] : Iontophoresis has long been recommended as an appropriate method in treating infected root canals for the purpose of sterilizing them in a short time. It has been reported in a few recent publications that, besides the sterilization of the root canal, iontophoresis of sodium fluoride may be applied to accelerate the formation of fibrous calculus in the periapical tissue. In these reports, however, it has not been made clear how iontophoresis of sodium fluoride brings about the accelerative effect on periapical tissue healing, or how fluoride ion or direct current influences the periapical tissue in special. By the joint use of fluoride iontophoresis, direct current, and sodium fluoride application for the extirpated pulp of dog teeth, the author has examined the specimens especially accessory canals and periapical tissues from the histo-pathological viewpoint. The main findings obtained from the experiments were as follows : 1) When sodium fluoride iontophoresis was applied to the extracted dog teeth for pilot study, it was clearly observed that most of fluoride ion was migrated into the periapical surrounding agar. 2) In the earlier stage, inflamatory reactions in accessory canals were more remarkably noticed in the electrically treated specimens than in those not electrified. Eight weeks after the treatment, however, it was found out that inflamatory reactions in accessory canals had almost disappeared in the NaF iontophoresis applied specimens and the positive current electrified specimens as well as in nonelectrified ones. Only in the case of the specimens to which negative current was applied, the expansion of blood vessels, congestion, and round cell infiltration were conspicuously observed. 3) As to the inflamatory reactions in periapical tissues, on the other hand, they tended to decrease gradually as days went by, and had disappeared by eight weeks after the treatment not only in the nonelectrified specimens but also in the NaF iontophoresis applied specimens and the positive current electrified specimens. In the negative current electrified specimens, however, remaining infiltration of inflamatory cells was observed even after eight weeks had passed. 4) It was noticed that in general the inflamatory reactions of tissue remnants in accessory canals were closely correlated with the histologic reactions of periapical tissues. 5) As a result of the investigation of the decalcified fragment specimens by means of the histopathological examination, microradiography, and the fluorescent microscope, the develoment of calcified tissue was recognized in accessory canals respectively after four weeks in the case of the electrified specimens and eight weeks in the case of the nonelectrified specimens. It is suggested from the above investigation that the sodium fluoride iontophoresis and direct current treatment have something to do with the calcified tissue development in accessory canals.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :