


Title : 永久歯咬合の発育に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 坂本聰子
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科矯正学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 4
Page : 521-539
Year/Month : 1981 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 近年, 歯科矯正学の進歩は目覚ましいものがある. しかしそれは, 矯正装置の考案と改良の繰り返しが強く前面に押し出されたもので, 頭部X線規格写真計測法の導入などで診断学の発展はあったにしろ, 歯科矯正学そのものの進歩とはいいがたい. 歯科矯正学の本質は治療技術学ではないからである. ともすれば間違われやすい美容整形と一線を画すためにも, 矯正治療の意義と目的とを再考すべき時期ではないかと思われる. 従来, 歯科矯正学は歯科医学の中でも特殊なものと見做され勝ちであったが, これは悲しむべき風潮であって, 本来は歯科医学の1分科として欠くことのできない構成要素である. そして他科との間に密接なつながりを持っている. なかでも小児歯科との関連はとくに強い. これは主な対象が成長発育の途上にある小児であるためで, 症状の差によって治療の分野を分担しているにすぎない.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Development of Permanent Dentition
Subtitle :
Authors : Satoko Sakamoto
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 4
Page : 521-539
Year/Month : 1981 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Orthodontics bears occlusal promotion of children as a role. So, it is very important to secure the phase of dental development. The authoress checked 532 dental plaster models stored in the Dept.of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College. The following results and conclusions may be drawn from the above materital checked in this survey. 1) The eruption order is, in male maxilla, M1→I1→I2→P1→C→P2→M2 and in female maxilla, M1→I1→I2→P1→P2→C→M2. In mandible, M1→I1→I2→C→P1→P2→M2. There is a slight tendency for male teeth to erupt a little later than female teeth, and for maxillary teeth to erupt than mandibular ones. 2) It seems to be found that about four permanent teeth a year appear from six to eleven years of age and permanent dentition with the exception of the third molar completes about fifteen years of age. 3) The time of eruption of permanent teeth tends to be too hasty in comparison with past studies, so the chronological age corresponding with dental age becomes low. 4) In the pattern of eruption of first molars at the age of six, no-tooth type forms 13% and four-tooth type forms 54%. The pattern of eruption of first molars and incisors shows typical one ; /6, /16, 6/16, 6/126, 6/126 appear most frequently. It is difficult to point out the typical patterns in buccal teeth. 5) The deciduous caries takes to a certain extent in the accelerated eruption of permanent teeth. 6) It is suggested that caries control of deciduous teeth is aufully important to secure functional occlusion of permanent dentition.
Practice : Dentistry
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