


Title : Neocarzinostatinの発熱機構に関する研究 〔2〕Neocarzinostatinのmitochondria呼吸系にたいする作用
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 川口洋二
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学薬理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 4
Page : 570-586
Year/Month : 1981 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 抗腫瘍抗生物質Neocarzinostatin(以下NCSと略)は, 臨床的には白血病, 膵癌, 胃癌などに多く用いられてきた. しかし, 藤田らによってNCSの生体内分布が口腔領域, とくに口蓋粘膜, 舌, 歯肉, 口腔底などの扁平上皮癌組織に極めて高濃度に分布し, 胃組織に比して口腔内諸組織は3~7倍も高く存在することが明らかになった. このことから, 竹田らは上顎洞癌にNCSを応用し, その持続動注療法は高寛解率をおさめており, NCSの口腔内および頭頸部癌の治療に一般に応用されるようになった. 近時, 口腔癌の適用で, 舌癌, 口唇癌, 歯肉癌, 上顎癌などにたいしては局所注射がより大きな制癌効果をもたらしたが, 周囲組織の壊死変化や治癒過程における局所傷害が多いため, 全身的投与法にたよらなければならない. ちなみに, 動物実験における化学療法係数は極めて高く, 73%の生存癌細胞の消失をみている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Studies on the Thermogenesis of Neocarzinostatin in Rabbits 2 Effect of Neocarzinostatin on Mitochondria Oxidative Respiration in Rabbits
Subtitle :
Authors : Youji Kawaguchi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pharmacology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 4
Page : 570-586
Year/Month : 1981 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The relationship between pyrogenicity and rabbit liver mitochondrial respiration induced by neocarzinostatin (NCS) has been investigated herein (DNP and oligomycin as the reference compounds). At the same time, a study of leucocytic pyrogen (LP) liberated by NCS on mitochonerial respiration were also investigated. The following results were obtained. DNP accelated the state 4 mitochondrial respiration and had a little or no effect on state 3 respiration. It was considered that the high energy intermediates in the oxidative phosphorylation was decomposed with addition of DNP. Oligomycin had no effect on state 4 respiration and inhibited state 3 respiration to the level of state 4. It was considered that the transfer of the high energy intermediates was inhibited with addition of oligomycin. However, NCS had no effect on both of 3 and 4 state respirations. LP liberated by NCS had no effect or a little inhibited on state 4 respiration and a little increased on state 3 respiration. These results may suggest that NCS has no relationship to mitochondrial phosphorylation system and that the heat production caused by NCS depends on the other mechanisms without this system. However, an indirect LP liberated by NCS may have a pyrogenic activity because of oxidative phosphorylation.
Practice : Dentistry
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