


Title : 口腔より分離したブドウ球菌の性状と分類に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 熊田秀文, 金子信雄, 菅沼宏行, 鹿谷実, 弓削朝子
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔細菌学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 4
Page : 623-635
Year/Month : 1981 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 健康な成人口腔よりstaphylococciを分離し, Bergey's Manual(1974)およびKloos & Schleifer(1975)の記載に基づいて分類を試みた. その成績は, 次のようであった. 被検者276名中244名からstaphylocociが分離され, その検出率は88.4%であった. 次いで分離された150株についてBergey's Manualに基づいて分類を試みた結果Staph. aureus 35株, Staph. epidermidis 97株, Staph. saprophyticus 1株と3菌種の何れにも属さない17株があった. さらにStaph. epidermidisと同定された97株をBaird-Parkerのbiotypesによって分類した結果, 1型が60株, 2型に該当する株はなく, 3型が5株, 4型が12株で, 1型から4型の何れにも属さない菌株が20株であった. 次に同150株についてKloos & Schleiferの分類法に基づいて分類した結果, Staph. cohniiを除いた10菌種にすべてが分類され, 何れにも該当しない菌種は存在しなかった. 次にBergey's ManualとKloos & Schleiferの分類結果を比較検討した結果, Bergey's Manualに基づいてStaph. aureusと同定された35株はKloos & Schleiferの分類によっても同様に同定され, またBergey's ManualによってStaph. epidermidisと同定された97株はKloos & Schleiferの分類法によって7菌種に分布された. また, この150株について薬剤感受性試験を行った結果, Kloos & Schleiferの方法によって分類された菌種は抗生物質感受性において各菌種に特徴がみられた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Studies on Characterization and Classification of Isolated Staphylococci from Human Mouth
Subtitle :
Authors : Hidefumi Kumada, Nobuo Kaneko, Hiroyuki Suganuma, Minoru Shikaya, Asako Yuge
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Microbiology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 4
Page : 623-635
Year/Month : 1981 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Staphylococci were isolated from the human mouth and subjected to a taxonomic study. This study was accomplished by isolating staphylococci from 244 subjects among 276 adults and the detection rate was 88.4%. Additionally 150 strains of isolated staphylococci were examined and classify on the basis of the Bergey's Manual (1974). The results : 35 strains were Staph. aureus, 97 strains were Staph. epidermidis, 1 strain was Staph. saprophyticus, and remaining 17 strains were neither these three species. Subsequently the Baird-Parker's biotyping was applied for the 97 strains of Staph. epidermidis, as a result, 60 strains were regarded as biotype 1, there were no biotype 2, 5 strains were biotype 3, 12 strains were biotype 4, and the remaining 20 strains were neither of the four biotypes. The 150 strains were classified by the Kloos & Schleifer's method, all strains were placed in to the 10 mentioned species except the Staph. cohnii. Then each strain was compared with the Bergey's Manual and the Kloos & Schleifer's classification. As a result, the 35 strains, which were classified as Staph. aureus on the basis of the Bergey's Manual and also exhibited the same results as the Kloos & Schleifer's classification. And 97 strains, which were classified as Staph. epidermidis on the basis of the Bergey's Manual were distributed into the 7 species by Kloos & Schleifer's classification. Additionally, antibiotic susceptibility test were examined for the 150 strains, as a result, the study demonstrated a variation on the antibiotic susceptibilities of those species as indicated by the Kloos & Schleifer's classification.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :