


Title : 歯槽骨有機質成分に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 上村茂樹, 亀井照明, 三輪一郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学矯正学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 4
Page : 636-646
Year/Month : 1981 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 歯槽骨基質成分の生化学的性格を研究するために, 牛下顎前歯部歯槽骨の定性定量分析をおこなった. 試料である牛下顎骨から乳歯, 永久歯歯胚および軟組織を除去し, 歯槽骨を採取後, 蒸留水中でhomogenizeし, 凍結乾燥した. その後, その乾燥骨基質をEDTA溶液中で脱灰し, 2種類の有機質成分に分離した. すなわち, EDTA溶液に溶解したEDTA可溶性成分と可溶化しなかったEDTA不溶性成分である. さらに, EDTA可溶成分およびEDTA不溶性成分はurea溶液に溶解され, 骨基質有機質を4成分に分離した. すなわち, EDTA・urea可溶性成分, EDTA可溶性・urea不溶性成分, EDTA不溶性・urea可溶性成分およびEDTA・urea不溶性成分である. この後, これら4成分の分析を行った. その分析結果は以下の通りである. 1. 骨基質中の有機質, 無機質の割合は各々36.3%, 63.7%であった. この有機質の値は牛皮質骨のその値より約15%多かった. 2. EDTA不溶性成分のアミノ酸組成は皮質骨コラーゲンのものに近似しており, ハイドロキシプロリン, プロリン, グリシンおよびアラニンの割合が特に多かった. 3. 激しい骨改造がおこっている組織では, 非コラーゲン成分の量が増加する. 本研究では, 非コラーゲン成分をEDTA, urea抽出により, EDTA・urea可溶性成分として骨基質から分離した. さらに, EDTA・urea可溶性成分をゲル濾過により4分画(FI:分子量100,000以上, FII:96,000, FIII:48,000およびFIV:13,500)に分離した. 4. これら4分画では, アミノ酸組成は互いに近似していた. また, 酸性アミノ酸が全アミノ酸の約30%を占め, プロリン, グリシン, アラニン, セリンおよびフォスフォセリンの割合が比較的多かった. 5. さらに, これらの分画は少量の糖成分を含んでいた. このことから, これらの分画の高分子物質は酸性core proteinに少数のコンドロイチン硫酸鎖が結合する構造をもつこと, および骨の石灰化機構に関与することが考えられた.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Study of Organic Matrix Components in the Alveolar Bone
Subtitle :
Authors : Shigeki Kamimura, Teruaki Kamei, Ichiroh Miwa
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 4
Page : 636-646
Year/Month : 1981 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : In order to study the character of the matrix components of the alveolar bone, quantita-tive and qualitative analyses in vitro were planned using the bone of the alveolar process in the anterior part of bovine mandible. Following the removal of the deciduous teeth, primordia of the permanent teeth and other soft tissues, the specimens of alveolar bone were homogenized in distilled water. After that, the homogenates of bone matrix were dried by lyophilization. They were then placed in 0.5 M EDTA solution to remove minerals and isolate two kinds of organic matter ; one could be extracted in EDTA solution (EDTA soluble) and another was not solubilized in it (EDTA insoluble), respectively. Furthermore, EDTA soluble and insoluble organic matters were solved again in 7.0 M urea solution pH 8.0, and divided into four fractions, i. e. EDTA・urea soluble, EDTA soluble・urea insoluble, EDTA insoluble・ureasoluble, or EDTA・urea insoluble. They were then prepared for biochemical analysis. The analytic results of the bone matrix components were as follows; 1. The amounts of organic and inorganic matters, indicated in percentage by weight of the total dry bone matrix, were 36.3% and 63.7%, respectively. This value of organic matter was about 15% greater than that of the data after Eastoe and Herring in mature cortical bone. 2. The amino acid composition in EDTA insoluble materials was very similar to the cortical bone collagen. The levels of hydroxproline, proline, glycine and alanine were perticulary higher than those of other amino acids. 3. Whenever intense and rapid remodeling of bone occurs, the amounts of noncollagenous protein increased. In this study, noncollagenous components were isolated from the bone matrix as the EDTA and urinary extracts (EDTA・urea soluble). Furthermore, EDTA・urea soluble component was separated into four fractions (FI : above 100,000, FII : 96,000, FIII : 48,000 and FIV : 13,500 molecular weight) from the elution pattern of molecular sieve chromatography. 4. In these four fractions, the amino acid compositions were very analogous to each other. The amounts of acidic amino acids were about 30% in the total amino acid, and the levels of proline, glycine, alanine, serine and phospho-serine were also expressly high in comparison with other amino acids.
Practice : Dentistry
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