


Title : 歯の移動時および保定時に示す歯槽骨細胞の代謝的変動について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 上村茂樹
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学矯正学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 16
Number : 1
Page : 15-32
Year/Month : 1981 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 歯槽骨細胞が歯の移動時および保定時に示す代謝性変化について検討した. 実験にはadultに相当する雄日本白色家兎を7群に分けて使用した. 1群を対照群とし, 他の6群の家兎に上顎切歯を離開させるherical torsion springを装着し, 歯の移動をおこなった. 歯の移動開始1日目, 2日目または4日目に各1群を屠殺した. 歯の移動開始4日目に残る3群の家兎のspringを除去し, レジンで切歯を固定した. 保定開始後3日目, 10日目または17日目に各1群を屠殺した. 歯の移動または保定後, 各群から歯槽骨を採取し, 各個に14C-serineを加えたmedium中で120分間incubateした. 次に細胞内成分, medium成分, EDTA可溶性成分またはEDTA不溶性成分に分け, 分析用試料を調製した. 各成分を分析したところ以下のような結果を得た. 1)歯の移動時, 歯槽骨基質有機質量は著名に減少し, 骨吸収が亢進していることが示された. この時, 歯槽骨細胞の代謝面では, 骨基質中の新生コラーゲン量は対照群の70%まで減少し, 矯正力は骨形成を抑制することが考えられた. 2)保定開始後, 骨基質有機質量は増加し対照群の水準に回復した. 同時に, 著名なコラーゲンおよび非コラーゲン成分の合成が認められ, 活発な骨形成がおこなわれたものと推測された. 3)保定を継続すると, 骨基質有機質全体量は一定していたが, 骨基質有機質を構成するEDTA不溶性成分とEDTA可溶性成分の割合は変化した. 同時に, 新生コラーゲン量は減少し, 保定17日目には対照群の水準よりも減少した. また, 新生非コラーゲン成分量も減少したが, 保定17日目に達しても, 対照群より高い水準を維持した. 4)従って保定を17日間継続しても, 歯槽骨組織は未成熟のままであり, 不断の骨改造がおこなわれているものと考えられた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : The Metabolic Changes of Alveolar Bone Cells during Tooth Movement and Retention Period
Subtitle :
Authors : Shigeki KAMIMURA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 16
Number : 1
Page : 15-32
Year/Month : 1981 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The experimental study was undertaken to clarify the metabolic changes in the alveolar bone cells induced by tooth movement and retention on seven groups of adult Japanese white rabbits. One was a control group. The others were experimental groups. On the labial surface of upper incisor teeth of rabbits of six experimental groups, herical torsion springs were fixed and about 150 g expanding force was applied. At 1, 2,or 4 days after tooth movement the animals of each one group were sacrificed. On the fourth-day, the upper incisor teeth of the remaining three groups were retained in those positions, and retention was continued for 3, 10, or 17 days. Following tooth movement or retention, the alveolar bones of each group were removed, dissected or fragmented, and subjected to biochemical investigation in vitro using 14C-serine as a tracer. After 120 minutes incubation in Krebs Ringer bicarbonate buffer medium including radioisotope. These samples were prepared for biochemical analyses, i.e., non-dialyzable metabolites in intracellular component, medium component, EDTA soluble and insoluble components were separated respectively. The analytic results of these components were as follows ; 1) During tooth movement, the amounts of organic matter in the alveolar bone matrix, which were composed of EDTA soluble and insoluble components, had apparently decreased. Therefore, it seemed that the bone resorption was facilitated in the alveolar process. When this phenomenon was viewed from a metabolic aspect of bone cells, the amounts of newly synthesized collagen in organic matrix decreased gradually to the 70 percent level of the control. Accordingly, the bone formation seemed to be suppressed by orthodontic stimulation applied to a tooth. 2) On the other hand, in the initial stage of retention, the amount of organic matter in the alveolar bone matrix increased and recovered on the same level as the control. At the same time, the amounts of newly synthesized collagen and non-collagenous components were remarkably increased, so the active bone formation would be able to take place.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :