


Title : 転移性口腔癌の統計的観察 - 日本病理剖検輯報による検討 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 小篠一雄, 斎藤一人, 馬場真二郎, 清水洋子, 近藤功
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学病理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 16
Number : 1
Page : 105-120
Year/Month : 1981 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 口腔領域における転移性腫瘍は口腔悪性腫瘍の約1%を占め, また身体の全悪性腫瘍中約1%が口腔内へ転移すると言われている. しかしながら本邦においては悪性腫瘍の口腔領域への転移頻度の総括的な検索は少ない. 今回著者らは昭和42年から昭和51年までの10年間に日本病理剖検輯報に記載された癌腫から口腔内への転移について統計的検討を試みた. 即ち, 癌腫の性別, 年齢別口腔領域への転移頻度, 口腔内の転移部位等を明らかにすると共に全身他臓器に原発した癌腫の口腔領域への転移形式, 転移経路について考察を行なった. 「研究材料と方法」 対象とした症例は日本病理剖検輯報, 第10輯から19輯に記載された全身諸臓器に原発した癌腫症例89729例(皮膚癌, 口腔原発癌, 脳神経系腫瘍, 白血病その他の肉腫を除く)である. 各々の症例について, 主病診断, 転移臓器, リンパ節を著者らが作製したカードに記入し, 特に口腔への転移部位については, 口唇, 舌, 歯肉, 口腔底, 唾液腺, 上顎洞, 顎骨(上, 下), 口蓋, 頸部, 咽頭, 扁桃, 前頭洞, さらに口腔周囲リンパ節(頸部, 顎下部, オトガイ下)に分類して記入した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : A Statistical Observation of Metastatic Oral Carcinoma - Based on Data in the Annual of the Pathological Autopsy cases in Japan -
Subtitle :
Authors : Kazuo OZASA, Kazuto SAITO, Shinjiro BABA, Youko SHIMIZU, Isao KONDO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pathology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 16
Number : 1
Page : 105-120
Year/Month : 1981 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : To find out the incidence of cancer metastasis to the oral region, a statistical survey was conducted on a total of 89,729 cancer cases, which were listed in the Annual of the Pathological Autopsy Cases in Japan from 1967-76. Such metastasis was found in 314 cases or 0.35% of the total. (1) As to the primary site of cancer in the total cases, the stomach came on top of the list. Runners-up were lung, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, uterus, esophagus and others respectively. (2) Of the 314 metastatic oral cancer cases, 228 occured in man and 86 in women (2.7 : 1). The male-to-female ratio in the primary cancer incidence was 1.6 : 1. (3) The largest number of oral metastasis originated from cancer of the respiratory organs : 92 cases of oral metastasis from a primary cancer in the lung and 81 from the larynx. As for the oral metastasis rate by primary cancer, cancer of the larynx was highest with 9.95%, which was followed by cancer of the thyroid with 1.4%. The oral metastasis rates of cancer of the stomach and the liver were extremely low. (4) Oral metastasis occurred at higher rates among those in their fifties and above. The tendency paralleled the cancerprone age distribution. (5) Among various sites in the oral cavity, the region metastatic cancer attacked most was the tongue, followed by pharynx, major salivary gland, and tonsil in that order. (6) The lung and the liver marked the largest percentage or cases in which metastatic oral cancer further spread to other parts of the body. Among the lymph nodes in the vicinity of the oral region, the cervical lymph nodes were affected most. From the results of the survey, it is evident that oral metastasis occurs at a higher rate in men than in women.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :