


Title : イヌ頭部の周波数分析に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 日笠不二夫
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 16
Number : 4
Page : 477-496
Year/Month : 1982 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 音響, 振動を利用して顎口腔系の性状を解明し, 診断や治療の一助にしようとする試みは, 約30年前から存在した. とくに歯科領域と深い関係をもっていると考えられる研究は, 諸外国においてはBekesy(1948)を始めとした頭蓋骨や頭部の振動特性に関する研究, 咬合音に関する研究などがある. 本邦においては, 杉崎, 松尾(昭35)の義歯の咬音を始めとし, 雨宮(昭47), 織田(昭48)の咬合音に関する研究, 石岡ら(昭48)の顎関節音や口腔顎系の音響振動の伝達系に関する研究, 豊田(昭54)の歯周組織の衝撃減衰能力を中心としたイヌ頭部の振動特性に関する研究, 小田切(昭51)を始めとする交通事故を対象とした下顎に対する衝撃実験などがある. また, 歯や歯周組織に関する振動学的研究は石橋を始めとして倉島, 加藤, 古市, 白沢ら, 井上, 八島, 三嶋など多くの研究者によって行なわれており, 最近ではインプラント支台の性状を振動学的にとらえようとしたものもある.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Study in Frequency Analysis on Dogs' Heads
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Fujio HIGASA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department or Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 16
Number : 4
Page : 477-496
Year/Month : 1982 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Many studies have been made in recent years using sound and vibration to determine the physical properties of the stomatognathic system in attempts to make such findings of use in diagnosis and treatment planning. Research has been carried out from numerous angles and with varied methods including measurrement of resonance frequency in the teeth and skull as well as analysis of gnathosonics. Aside from measurement of vibratory characteristics in the teeth, many studies have made use of a microphone as a transducer and since measurement on the skin surface is frequent, background noise and the presence of the soft tissue often have a direct bearing on measurement results. This being the case, in determining the attenuation when shock is transmitted to the teeth and also in discovering the frequency characteristics in the skull it is important to fix an accelerometer at the points of measurement in order to get direct readings on the vibratory characteristics of the skull. Using such a method, I performed the following experiment to determine the characteristics of vibration transmitted to the skull via the teeth, in particular, the relationship between the individual measurement points on the skull and their frequency responses. Screws were used to affix an accelerometer to six different points on a dog's skull which served as measurement points. After measurement with the soft tissue still intact, all soft tissue except for that in the TMJ area was removed and frequency responses were measured as before. Pink noise originating from a random noise generator was used for the vibration source and vibration was transmitted to each of the maxillary and mandibular canines. By using random noise ranging between 20 Hz and 18 KHz it was possible to objectively compare the values at each of the points of measurement. Vibration analysis was conducted at the 1/3 octave bandwidth. Based on ISO Recommendation R266 a computer was used for dB synthesis up to the one octave band and results were compared. Results were as follows : 1) Under almost all conditions, attenuation was great for frequencies of more than 4 KHz bandwidth. 2) The resonance frequency in the skull was in the 500 Hz bandwidth while that for the mandible was in the 250 Hz bandwidth which was close to the resonance frequency in the teeth. 3) At measurement points near the vibration application area the attenuation for shock vibration was extremely small compared to the other measurement points showing that the damping capacity of the teeth and periodontal tissue is extremely low.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :