


Title : 電鋳法による金属床に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 澤田智慈
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第二講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 17
Number : 1
Page : 29-48
Year/Month : 1982 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 総義歯に使用される義歯床用材料は, 主として高分子材料および金属材料であり, それぞれ, レジン床あるいは金属床として目的に応じ, それらの特性を活かして使用されている. これらの製作法は金属材料における鋳造法と圧印法, および, 高分子材料による填入法と流し込み法とがある. 特に高分子材料のアクリル系樹脂(レジン)は, 一般的な床用材料として臨床に広く利用されている. しかし, 重合時の寸法変化, 衝撃による破折, 床の厚みによる機能障害, 熱伝導不良による感覚の低下, 有機溶媒による変質, そして, アレルギー疾患の発生など種々の問題を有している. また, 金属材料による圧印法および鋳造法にもそれぞれ問題があり, 前者においては適合性が劣り使用金属が限られ, 更に製作に手数を要するなどがある. 後者においては, 精密鋳造法の理論的・技術的発展などにより, 精度の高い鋳造床を容易に製作できるようになり, 圧印床に代って普及するようになった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Studies on Electro-formed Plates for Metal Denture Base
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Tomoji SAWADA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of 2nd Prosthdontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 17
Number : 1
Page : 29-48
Year/Month : 1982 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Important factors of denture requirements from a prosthodontic aspect are to restore missing areas not only for optimum functions as mastication, speech and esthetic harmony, but also for preservation of the surrounding tissues as normal as possible. In order to pursue these requirements, it is very important to construct dentures fitting exactly on residual ridges so that a successful denture stabilization is obtained. There are mainly two types of denture materials such as thermoplastics and the various metal bases available. Particularly, a metal base is considered to be superior due to better qualities, which made possible to be commonly used in the field of prosthodontics. However, from a technical view point, procedural steps of construction for the metal base are seemed to be complicated regardless the types of cast or swaged dentures and influence the dimensional stability of the denture during processing. In this study, a method of providing the electro-formed plate for metal denture base was developed and results proved to be superior with high accuracy. Moreover, this helps not only to abbreviate materials used but also to prevent from environmental pollution in the dental laboratory. This also makes possible to control the thickness of electro-deposit on the metal base, which was impossible to construct up to date. The following conclusions are obtained from this experimental study. 1) It was proved that denture base was constructed accurately by electro-forming. 2) It was possible that shorter working hours were spent due to omit several practical procedures, since the base is constructed directly on the plaster working cast. This helps to abbreviate materials used and also to make a contribution toward the technical simplification. 3) Specific zig was developed to improve electro-deposit and high current density contributed to reduce the working hours. 4) It was also recognized that restriction of the irregularity of denture base could be effectively obtained by applying the shielding plate with auxiliary anodes. These results showed that successful application of the electro-forming into prosthodontics contributes to construct the metal base dentures with better fitting and accurate dimensional stability. This also discards the various specific equipments and materials used in present days.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :