


Title : 食物差が咀嚼パターンに及ぼす影響について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : D.J.ニール, 豊田實, J.K.L.グレイシャー
Authors(kana) :
Organization : ガイズ病院歯科学校歯科補綴学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 17
Number : 1
Page : 130-136
Year/Month : 1982 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 原始人類の歯は生きたままの餌食を捕獲したり, 皮をはいだり, またそれを飲み込む為にあった. 歯が唾液の分泌と消化を容易にし, 食物の粉砕を目的に使用されたのは哺乳類が最初であり, 咀嚼は哺乳類の進化の特長と考えられている. 歯の解剖学的形態ならびに構造は種々な形の食物を上手に処理できる様に変化してきている. 先の尖った犬歯を持つ肉食動物の顎関節は, 草食動物の平坦に磨耗した咬合面をもち, 広い水平方向の運動を許容する顎関節とは明らかに異なっている. ヒトは5,000年以上にわたり大部分が線維素からなる雑食性の食物をとって生活していた. 萌出したばかりの人類の歯は草食動物の歯というよりは, むしろ肉食獣の歯に似ているにもかかわらず, 初期の人類の歯の特徴は磨耗が現われていることであった. そして現在のエスキモーやオーストラリア原住民ならびにジャワ人の歯にも平坦な臼歯を見ることができる. Berry(1975年)は現代人の歯に咬頭が存在しているのは咀嚼時に咬頭の使用が不足している証拠であると述べている.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : The Influence of Diet on Chewing Patterns
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Derrick J.NEILL, Minoru TOYODA, John K.L.GLAYSHER
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Guy's Hospital Dental School
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 17
Number : 1
Page : 130-136
Year/Month : 1982 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : The Influence of Diet on Chewing Pattern The chewing patterns of four dentate subjects have been studied using apple and biscuit as the test foods to examine the masticatory strokes. To provide an insight into the behavioural pattern when subjects were functioning in a somewhat less contrived situation, three individuals were observed eating lunch comprising a meat course with two vegetables. Movements of the jaw were monitored using the mandibular kinessiograph developed by Jankelson et al in 1975. The following results obtained. 1) The movement of the mandible in the frontal plane was classified into 16 types according to the trajectory of movement. 2) The length of the tooth contact glide was recorded for each chewing stroke and the results for each of the three subjects chewing cooked meat and vegetables show a statistically significant difference between them and it was noted that irrespective of the food being masticated the tooth contact moving into centric occlusion is greater than when commencing the opening movement. 3) The duration of the pause in centric occlusion varies between subjects but also appears to be related to the food being chewed. 4) From the mean values of the maximum dimentions of the chewing envelope, the dimentions are greater when chewing meat than when chewing vegetables. 5) From the evidence of the present study, it appears that the amount of tooth contact glide, the width and length of the chewing envilope and the duration of the pause which occurs in centric occlusion at the end of each chewing stroke are all affected by the nature of the food being chewed.
Practice : Dentistry
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