


Title : 鋳造修復物の保持に関する研究 - とくにポリカルボキシレートセメントの接着性の関与について -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 野村健一郎, 西村光太郎, 山崎恭敬, 諏訪義比古, 伊東敦, 須田正文, 吉本壮平, 岩本次男
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 17
Number : 2
Page : 264-272
Year/Month : 1982 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 1968年, D.C.Smithにより開発されたカルボキシレートセメントに関しては, 爾来, 多数の基礎的研究によりその性能があきらかにされ, 鋳造修復物の合着材として, あるいは裏層材として日常の臨床に多用されている. とくに本セメントの接着性については, 各種の被着体に対する接着力試験が試みられ, 突き合わせ接着, あるいは剪断力試験の結果から, とくに歯質に対しては強い接着力を示すことが確認されている. しかしながら, 反面, インレーやクラウンを合着した場合の総合的な保持力に関しては, 本セメントの合着力とりん酸亜鉛セメントのそれはほぼ同程度であるという報告が多い. このような事実はカルボキシレートセメントの接着性が鋳造修復物の保持に対して強力な一因子として関与しないためであろうと考えられ, 安達らは, 本セメントによる突き合わせ接着および底なし窩洞を用いた窩洞側壁部における剪断力試験の結果より, カルボキシレートセメントについてもりん酸亜鉛セメントと同様に, 鋳造修復物の保持の主体は窩洞側壁部におけるセメントの嵌合力であろうと推論した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Study on the Retention of Cast Restorations - with Special Reference to the Adhesive Property of Polycarboxylate Cement -
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Kenichiro NOMURA, Kotaro NISHIMURA, Yukinori YAMAZAKI, Yoshihiko SUWA, Atsushi ITOH, Masafumi SUDA, Sohei YOSHIMOTO, Tsugio IWAMOTO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Restorative Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 17
Number : 2
Page : 264-272
Year/Month : 1982 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Although it is well recognized that polycarboxylate cement shows high bonding strength to various adherents, particularly, to tooth surface, the role of this adhesiveness in the retention of cast restoration has not been clearly confirmed. In this study, therefore, changes in retentive values of both polycarboxylate cement and zinc phosphate cement were determined as the increase of convergence angle at side wall of the cavity, in order to detected the effect of the adhesive property of polycarboxylate cement on the retention force of casting. Cylindrical specimens cast from three types of alloys, 20K gold alloy, 12% Au-Ag-Pd alloy and silver alloy, were cemented to the prepared Cavities which have various convergence angles and without cavity floor, and then the punching shear test was performed. The surface roughness of castings as an important factor affecting the retention of cast restoration was also measured. The following results were obtained. 1) In every instance, cements were retained on the side wall of cavity after the shearing test was performed. 2) The tendencies in decrease of retentive value for polycarboxylate cement was similar to that of zinc phosphate cement regardless of the alloy used. 3) Little differences of retentive values were observed between two types of cements in the casese of castings by 20K and Au-Ag-Pd alloys. 4) To silver alloy castings, polycarboxylate cement showed the slightly higher retentive value than zinc phosphate cement. 5) Lower retentive value to Au-Ag-Pd castings was found in the instance of smaller convergence angles at side wall. 6) The finest surface roughness could be obtained in Au-Ag-Pd castings, and silver alloy showed the coarsest casting surface. 7) From the results mentioned above, it would be suggested that the adhesive property of polycarboxylate cement could not so much attribute to the retention of cast restoration as far as the bonding force at cement-casting interface is concerned.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :