


Title : ミリング面の粗さに影響する因子について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 原橋豊信, 松尾悦郎, 白沢勝沖, 沢田教彰, 浜田静樹
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 17
Number : 2
Page : 282-299
Year/Month : 1982 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 われわれはミリングにおける基礎的問題解決のため, 過去においてミリングカッターの寿命方程式と仕事量より算出した切削能率を比較検討し, さらに臨床上の実際の切削加工における切削能率と寿命を考察して, 刃先の形状と切屑量が刃先の摩耗により, どのような影響を受けるかを解明した. しかし, より臨床的なカッター性能の判定には, 寿命や切削能率の他に, 切削面の品位が重要となる. 今回, ミリング面粗さ, 切屑性状および刃先摩耗の観察からカッター性能を検討し, 加えて歯科用白金加金のミリング機構の一部を解明し興味ある知見をえたので報告する. 「実験方法」 1. 実験試料 i ミリングカッターについて 過去2回の報告において使用した, 左ねじれのバナジュウム鋼カッター(以下LV), 右ねじれのバナジュウム鋼カッター(以下RV), 右ねじれのカーバイトカッター(以下RC)の3種類のカッターを用いた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Factors Influencing Roughness of Milling Surface
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Toyonobu HARAHASHI, Etsuro MATSUO, Katsuoki SHIRASAWA, Noriaki SAWADA, Shizuki HAMADA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 17
Number : 2
Page : 282-299
Year/Month : 1982 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : The following findings were reported on previously in way of solving fundamental problems in milling : A) A comparison of relative cutting efficiency of milling cutters based on a tool-life equation and cutting work load. B) Cutting efficiency and tool-life were examined in an actual clinical situation to explain the effect which tool-wear had on the shape of the cutting part of cutter and on chip quantity. In making a more clinical judgement of cutter capabilities, however, it is important to consider cutting surface quality along with tool-life and cutting efficiency. In the present study, cutting surface roughness, chip properties, and cutting edge were examined to determine cutting efficiency. Results of dental platinum added gold alloy for use in milling were then studied to obtain the following results. 1) Milling roughness was highest for the vanadium cutter with a rightward direction of spiral followed in order by the tungsten carbide steel cutter with a rightward direction of spiral and the tungsten vanadium steel cutter with a leftward direction of spiral. 2) Results in 1) show that cutters with outstanding toollife and cuttng efficiency are not always cutters producing exceptional surface quality. Tool geometry (in the case of the former, the relative hardness of the workpiece, in the latter, the angle of cutting part and spiral form) has a large influence on all factors. 3) When cutters were made of the same material, cutting roughness was smaller for cutters with a rightward direction of spiral with large spiral angles. 4) It was determined that milling roughness increased along with tool-wear with a particular decrease in the clearance angle and rake angle. However, it was found that selecting an appropriate corner radius along with cutting edge wear had a good effect on relative milling roughness. 5) Together with wear on the cutting edge, chip properties changed from flow-type to shear-type to tear-type in a gradual increase in roughness.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :