


Title : ミリング用白金加金の加工硬化に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 原橋豊信, 本間秀文, 金子恵孝, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第1講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 17
Number : 3
Page : 365-373
Year/Month : 1982 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 ミリングテクニックにおける基礎的研究として, 過去5回にわたりミリングカッターの必要条件, 切削機構, ミリング用白金加金の検討および各々の臨床的意義などについて報告してきた. 今回は, 切削加工に特徴的な加工硬化について報告する. 加工硬化層は, 切削面では引張応力が, また, カッター前方の表面では圧縮応力が働き, それらが残留応力となって被削面に生じた加工変質層(残留加工歪み層)である. この表層には加工硬化現象以外に, 熱変質, 組織の繊維状化, 残留応力の発生がある. 加工硬化性が大である程, 変質層が深く, 表面の歪みは大であるとされている. 加工硬化層を含めて, 加工変質層の存在は, 仕上げ面の耐摩耗性, 耐蝕性を著しく低下させ, 疲労強度, 耐衝撃性, 経年変化, 電気・磁気特性などにも強い影響を与えるとされている. 本研究はミリング用白金加金の種類および切削条件の差によるミリング時の加工硬化性についての検討を目的とした.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Research on Work-Hardening in Dental Platinum-Gold Alloy for Milling Techniques
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Toyonobu HARAHASHI, Hidefumi HONMA, Yoshiyuki KANEKO, Etsuro MATSUO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 17
Number : 3
Page : 365-373
Year/Month : 1982 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : As part of basic research on milling technigues, we have already published findings on a) essential conditions for milling cutter, b) the cutting mechanism, c) machinability of dental platinum-gold alloy for milling techniques in addition to discussing the clinical significance of these and other matters. This present report is concerned with the work hardening phenomenon peculiar to metal cutting. The work-hardened layer is the layer affected by residual stress resulting in turn from tensile stress on the cutting surface and compressive stress on the surface of the cutter's fore-section. In addition to this work hardening phenomenon on the surface there is also the development of thermal degeneration, the tendency towards fibrous structure in composition and residual stress. The presence of this affected layer which includes the work-herdened layer reduces considerably the resistance to abrasion and corrosion on the machined surface. It is also thought to have a strong influence on fatigue intensity, resistance to impact, changes brought on by time as well as electrical and magnetic properties. The present research concentrated on work hardening in dental platinum-gold alloy for milling techniques. The following results were obtained. 1. Upon comparing test materials with different levels of hardness it was found that cutting speed decreased as hardness increased while the rate of work-hardening increased. 2. When working with a single type of test material, it was found that the rate of work-hardening was in direct proportion to the number of revolutions per minute. 3. The rate of work-hardening were higher for the first milling (m1) of the cast surface than for the second milling (m2).
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :