


Title : 開窓療法を行った濾胞性歯嚢胞の一例 - 永久歯歯胚の動向について -
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 服部守弘, 藤森栄二, 大矢桂子, 桜井隆夫, 伊東泰蔵, 檜垣旺夫, 鈴木正孝*, 新藤潤一*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室, *神奈川歯科大学口腔外科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 17
Number : 4
Page : 551-556
Year/Month : 1983 / 3
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 濾胞性歯嚢胞は10歳から20歳代の年齢に発見されることが多く, 原因埋伏歯はもとより周囲の未萌出歯も嚢胞によって圧迫されて偏位を起こし, 萌出遅延や不正咬合の原因になる. このような場合の治療法として嚢胞内埋伏歯の保存を目的とした開窓療法が考えられ, 現在まで数多くの報告が行われている. しかし, 若年者に対し開窓療法を施して, 嚢胞の縮小と永久歯歯胚の萌出方向を関連づけて, 経年的に観察した報告は少ない. 今回われわれは8歳児の下顎右側犬歯部に発生した濾胞性歯嚢胞について, 開窓療法後の永久歯歯胚の動向を検討したのでその概要を報告する. 「症例」 患者:須○靖○, 8歳10ヵ月, 男児 初診:昭和56年4月30日 主訴:下顎右側乳犬歯根尖部歯肉の膨隆 家族歴および既往歴:特記すべき事項はない. 現病歴:昭和51年(5歳)頃に下顎右側乳犬歯根尖部の無痛性腫脹に気付き, 某歯科医院を受診した. そこで, 根尖性歯周組織炎の疑いで抗生剤の投与を数日間うけたところ, 腫脹の消退がみられたので放置していた.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : A Case of Follicular Dental Cyst Treated by Marsupialization - Behavior of Permanent Tooth Germ -
Subtitle :
Authors : Morihiro HATTORI, Eiji FUJIMORI, Keiko OHYA, Takao SAKURAI, Taizo ITO, Morio HIGAKI, Masataka SUZKUKI*, Junichi SHINDOU*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pedodontics, Kanagawa Dental College, *Department of Oral Surgery, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 17
Number : 4
Page : 551-556
Year/Month : 1983 / 3
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : We encountered a follicular dental cyst which developed in the lower right cuspid region of an eight years 10 month old boy. We also observed a size reduction of the cyst after marsupialization and the eruption of the permanent tooth germ. The following results were obtained. 1) Forty days after marsupialization, the dental axis of the cuspid germ was improved to its original direction, and the increased opaque area and bone tissue increse were observed around the cyst wall. 2) After one year, the cuspid was ready to erupt, and the cyst was partly noted in the distal portion of the cuspid only. 3) The finding one and half years after surgery revealed the loss of the cyst and the eruption of the cuspid. Its eruption was nearly the same as the tooth on the opposite side of the mouth, but differences were observed in the growth of the cuspid root. Marsupialization, which is intended to conserve teeth impact in cysts, can be a significant advantage for young patients and the timeliness of this surgery must by taken into account.
Practice : Dentistry
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