


Title : マウスエブネル腺の微細構造
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 東一善, 佐々昭三
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学組織学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 18
Number : 1
Page : 70-78
Year/Month : 1983 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 唾液腺の研究は近年種々の動物で報告されている. しかし, それらの研究の大部分は顎下腺等の大唾液腺についての研究であり, 小唾液腺の研究はTandlerらの報告以来わずかに見出されるにすぎず, しかもこの小唾液腺の研究のうちエブネル腺の組織学的研究は少数である. 今回著者らは小唾液腺の組織学的研究の一環としてマウスのエブネル腺の形態を電子顕微鏡を用いて検索した. このエブネル腺は従来より舌根部に存在する有郭乳頭の輪状溝底部に開口し, 純漿液腺であると報告されており, かつその導管系の発達はわるいことが知られている. 以上のことにもかかわらず微細構造の研究は少なく, 従って小唾液腺のうち比較的に検索のすすんでいる口唇腺, 口蓋腺のものと比較検討した. 「材料および方法」 材料としてddy系マウス雄(8週齢)10匹を用い, Pentobalbital(Nembtal 4mg/kg)麻酔後, 直ちに舌根部(主として分界溝付近)を摘出し, 燐酸緩衝液(0.2M, pH7.3)を用い2.5%に希釈したグルタールアルデヒド液中に投入した.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Fine Structure of von Ebner Gland of the Mouse
Subtitle :
Authors : Kazuyoshi HIGASHI, Shozo SASA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Histology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 18
Number : 1
Page : 70-78
Year/Month : 1983 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : In this study, von Ebner glands of the mouse were observed by light and electron microscopy. Acinar cells were composed by two cell types (type I and type II ). Type I cells took the greater number of acinar cells, and type II cells the smaller number of the same. Abundant granular endoplasmic reticulum filled the basal portion of type I cell, a well-developed Golgi complex was located in the vicinity of the nucleus of type I cell. Type Il cell had prominent vesicullar granular endoplasmic reticulum. So it seemed that type II cell was hyperergastic one of type I cell. Cytological features were similar to those reported for parotid gland. Two cell types were found in duct portion. The one which adjoined to acinar cell resembled the intercalated duct cell of the major salivary gland. The other had no basal infolding at the basal portion, but many processes of that cell were seen between duct cell and myoepithelial cell. So we called they were intralobular duct cells which were reported on the minor salivary glands already. Myoepithelial cells were present under the acinar cells, intercalated duct cells and intralobular duct cells. But presence of myoepithelial cell under intralobular duct cell of the minor salivary gland had never been described before. It was reported that presence of myoepithelial cells under striated duct cells in the major salivary gland. Therefore, it was possible to consider that intralobular duct cell was immature striated duct cell.
Practice : Dentistry
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