


Title : 走査電顕と血管鋳型法によるイヌ歯髄の血管構築
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 小林正美
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 18
Number : 2
Page : 173-199
Year/Month : 1983 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 歯髄(歯乳頭を含む)の血管網の分布状態については古くはLepkowski(1897)が, ヒト胎児の血管にBerlin blueを注入し, 下歯槽動脈の枝が歯乳頭に入るとの所見を得ている. Welling(1925), Kamrin(1934)は, 歯髄の血管網の主動脈は根尖孔より入り, 象牙質直下に毛細血管網を形成すると述べている. Boling(1942)はネコとイヌにPrussian blueを注入し, 組織切片と透明標本で検索した結果, 歯髄へは4~8本の細動脈(主幹動脈)が根尖孔より入ること, 及び歯根膜の血管網と交通する1~2本の側枝について記載している. Kramer(1951, 1960, 1968), Provenza(1958)はヒトの墨汁注入による組織切片での検索で, 歯髄には動静脈吻合があると述べている. Saunders(1957), 青柳(1964)は造影剤を根尖孔より吸引注入し, microradiographによるヒト歯髄の血管網を観察している.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : A Scanning Electron Microscope Study of the Blood Vesseles of Dog Pulp using Corrosion Resin Casts.
Subtitle :
Authors : Masami KOBAYASHI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental Callege
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 18
Number : 2
Page : 173-199
Year/Month : 1983 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : The objective of this study is to describe developmental changes of the vascular architecture of the dental pulp. Molar germs of the secondary dentition of the dogs were used. Observation of the pulp blood vessels using corrosive resin casts, through the coronal morphogenctic stage to the senile stage, was made under the scanning electron microscope. The following results were obtained : 1 ) The apical region of the pule in the uncompleted root canal was not only distributed with a number of arteriolar branches but also enriched with capillaris. These capillaries disappeared on completion of roots. 2) A number of blood vessels were seen to be furnished with dense subodontoblastic capillary plexus in the entire pulp. During the period of the pulp cavity beeing large, this terminal capillary network was formed of three layers : terminal capillary network, capillary network and venular network. 3) The capillary network of external portion of the pulp was dense, however that of the internal portion opposed to the interradicular bone was loosely arranged, especially on the floor of the pulp chamber. 4) The pulp cavity reduced in size with age, and concomitaly was accompanied by a decrease in pulpal vasculature. Above all, these three layers of vessel network underwent a marked change and transformed to a coarse, thin terminal capillary network. Afterward, this terminal network converged directly to main venules. 5) Loop shaped capillaries were distributed in a part of the pulp horn and pulp cavity, but never existed in the entire root canal. 6) Arterioles were frequently arranged in U-shaped, branching out several branches in the course of U-turning. Their peculiar constricted figure was observed at the bifurcation. And then, venule-venule anastomoses (VVA) were observed in the pulp chamber and root canal.
Practice : Dentistry
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