


Title : Automated Thermatic Condensation Methodによる根管充填の検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 大木修二, 茅場美治, 永井旺介, 清水利明, 柳田猛昌, 長田保
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯内療法学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 18
Number : 3
Page : 270-281
Year/Month : 1983 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 根管充填は, 抜髄あるいは感染根管治療における終末操作であり, 拡大, 清掃, 消毒が充分になされた根管系を気密に充填することにより, 根管経由の刺激を遮断して根尖歯周組織の安静を図り, 根尖部の創傷治癒を期待することにあるとされている. 近年, 根管充填法は単に根管を充填するという考えから, 拡大形成後の根管を立体的にとらえ緊密に填塞する(三次元的根管充填:three dimensional canal filling)というような概念へと発展し, そのためいろいろな器具や術式が開発されてきた. McSpadden compactorを用いた根管充填法は, 1979年, McSpadden, J. T. により "The McSpadden techniques of automated thermatic condensation of gutta-percha" として紹介された.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Consideration of Automated Thermatic Condensation Technique
Subtitle :
Authors : Shuji OHKI, Yosiharu KAYABA, Ohsuke NAGAI, Toshiaki SHIMIZU, Takemasa YANAGIDA, Tamotsu OSADA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Endodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 18
Number : 3
Page : 270-281
Year/Month : 1983 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : It has been stated that the final aim of the endodontic therapy is the complete obturation of root canal system. However, the morphologic configuration of a root canal is not merely the single-tublar space within the root canal, therefore many different techniques have currently been tried to obliturate the complex space in the root canal. Recently, a new technique was introduced by McSpadden as "Automated Thermatic Condensation" which obturate gutta-percha three dimensionally into the root canal. This technique uses compactor which heats the gutta-percha cone through friction and condences the softened gutta-percha apically and laterally into the root canal. In vitro examinations were conducted to assess the McSpadden technique and lateral condensation technique, with and without sealer. One was carried out to evaluate the quality of the root canal filling by both radiographs and replicas, and the other was to appraise the sealing ability using indian ink as an indicator of the apical leakage. Morevers, follow up studies were examined clinically and radiographically for the endodontically treated teeth. The results were summerized as follows; 1. The McSpadden technique provided higher quality of root canal filling compared with lateral condensation technique and, futhermore, yielded the highest sealing ability for apical leakage among other techniques used in this study. 2. After one year follow up period, the ratio of successful repair was 82.3 percent in teeth which employed the McSpadden technique with sealer. Finally, this technique will contribute as an efficient procedure for endodontic therapy with carefull manipulation.
Practice : Dentistry
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