


Title : 歯周疾患治療における永久固定の長期観察について - ノンパラレルピンテクニックによる -
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 小川優司, 出口真二, 田村利之, 小松原淳一, 松岡秀樹, 三辺正人, 田辺亮, 大場正道, 柳田猛昌, 早瀬一雄, 堀俊雄
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室第2講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 18
Number : 3
Page : 343-355
Year/Month : 1983 / 12
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 歯周疾患の原因となる因子は, その構成が非常に複雑であるが, 種々の原因によって歯周組織の破壊が進行して咬合性外傷が生じ, 歯根膜や歯槽骨が破壊されると歯の支持力は低下し, 歯は動揺をきたすようになる. 歯の病的動揺は咬合の不均衡を生じ, さらには食片圧入なども惹起し歯周組織の破壊はいっそう促進される. このような事態を防止するには原因の徹底除去はいうまでもないが, 歯周組織の安静を計る治療が必要となってくる. これら歯周治療の中で歯槽骨吸収が著明で, 動揺が激しく患歯が単独では正常な咬合力に耐えられず, 永久的に歯を保存しなければならない場合, 永久固定を施行するが, しかるに下顎前歯部に施行する固定は従来の永久固定の設計や製作物は審美的な問題や不注意に作製することにより, 歯垢・歯石が沈着されやすく, 製作物により清掃が難しいこと, さらに舌感や発音を損ない易いなどの問題があり, 多くの難点があった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Long Term Evaluation of Permanent Splints to the Treatment of Periodontal Therapy. - Using the Nonparallel Horizontal Pin Technique -
Subtitle :
Authors : Yuji OGAWA, Shinzi DEGUCHI, Toshiyuki TAMURA, Junichi KOMATSUBARA, Hideki MATSUOKA, Masato MINABE, Ryo TANABE, Masamichi OOBA, Takemasa YANAGIDA, Kazuo HAYASE, Toshio HORI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Periodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 18
Number : 3
Page : 343-355
Year/Month : 1983 / 12
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : When the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone are destroyed due to inflammation or occlusal traum occurring in the periodontal tissue from different causes, the affected tooth loses part of its support and become loose. Such pathologic loosening of teeth causes occlusal imbalance and food impaction, leading to severer destruction of the periodontal tissue. The treatment of periodontal diseasses requires a set of procedures, including the initial preparation, removal of dental calculus and other local factors, and occlusal adjustment and other steps to keep the periodontal tissue at rest, so that the restration and regeneration of the affected teethsupportting tissue will be accelerated. To preserve a very loose tooth suffering from severe bone resorption into fixation for a long time, a permanent splint technique is usually applied to the affected region for occlusal recovery. When a lower anterior tooth is treated by this method, however, care should be taken to meet such requirments as ethetic factor and oral hygien Among various methods of fixation, the authors would like to report that satisfactory recuperation has been achieved some 6-8 years after treatment using the nonparallel horizontal pin splint technique, generally known as the "splint-mate-system."
Practice : Dentistry
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