


Title : イヌにおける断髄後の創傷治癒機転に関する生化学的研究 - 細管式等速電気泳動法による検討 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 斎藤正人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室第3講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 18
Number : 4
Page : 394-408
Year/Month : 1984 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」水酸化カルシウムを用いた生活断髄に関する臨床的, 基礎的研究は, 従来から数多く報告されている. とくに断髄後の歯髄創傷治癒過程についての病理組織学的知見は, かなり多数の業績が蓄積されているが, 近年になり, 電顕を用いた超微形態的研究も多く発表されている. また組織化学の分野でも, 断髄後の歯髄組織における特定物質の消長の検索がなされつつある. すなわち, 吉田, 服部, 枝は無機塩を, 吉田, 植村, Cabriniらは, アルカリフォスファターゼおよび多糖類の消長を, 平田は, アルカリフォスファターゼ, エステラーゼ, アシッドフォスファターゼなどの各種酵素を, 長岡, 桑名は, 酸性多糖類とくに, コンドロイチン硫酸A, C, ヒアルロン酸に関して報告を行っている. 一方, 生活断髄後の歯髄組織の動態に関する生化学的研究は極めて少ない. 金子は, Disc Tissue Electrophoresisを応用し, 断髄後における歯髄可溶性タンパク分画の変動に関する経時的観察を行った.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Experimental Study on the Healing Process of Dog Pulp following Pulpotomy - Biochemical Study by Capillary Isotachophoresis -
Subtitle :
Authors : Masato SAITO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Conservative Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 18
Number : 4
Page : 394-408
Year/Month : 1984 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] : Much information has accumulated in the literature about the morphology of the healing process of the dental pulp after pulpotomy and subsequent application of calcium hydroxide. However, biochemical analysis of this process has not been studied sufficiently because of the difficulty of sampling and the scarcity of the pulp tissue. Recently the capillary isotachophoresis (CITP) for the resolution of high molecular weight protein has been developed. This method is a sensitive, reproducible microanalytical technique for determination of the ionic substances. Although it has now widely spread acceptable in the various analytical purposes, very few reports have been published on its application to high molecular weight biological substances. The purpose of this study was to explore the detailed biochemical analysis of soluble proteins obtained from dental pulp tissue during the healing process after pulpotomy using improved CITP. To eliminate the blood from pulp tissue, 28 canine teeth of one year old dogs were perfused with saline in situ. Dental pulps were then extracted, homoginized and applied to CITP. Longer capillary tubes, 30 cm vs regular 20 cm, were used and the amount of amino acids as spacer ions was increased. The Kinetic patterns obtained during the healing process revealed aberrant electrophoretic features at 3 to 7 days after pulpotomy. Normal patterns returned 28 days post operation. The patterns were separated into four fractions by the position of Glycine, Valine, β-Alanine, and designated, f0 (Albumin), f1, f2, and f3. The f2 fraction showed a distinct decrease 3 to 7 days after pulpotomy. The f1 fraction contained five peaks i.e., s1, s2, s3, s4, and s5. The f2 fraction was lower than that of the control. On the other hand, f4 fraction was higher than that of the control during the same period and regained its normal value at 28 days after operation.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :