


Title : イヌ耳下腺主導管内に注入したトレーサーの動態に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 中村聡
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 18
Number : 4
Page : 409-432
Year/Month : 1984 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」われわれは, 当教室の一連の研究である口腔付近の微細血管網の構築に関する研究を続けている. そのなかで, 唾液腺主導管に分布する血管は, 非常に密な内外2層の血管網を構成していることを鋳型標本から得た. この事実から, これら密に分布する血管網と唾液腺主導管上皮との関係は, 栄養補給と伴に別の物質交換の可能性を示唆した. そこでまず, 主導管上皮の物質取り込みに関しての実験的な観察を行なった. 従来の研究の経緯をみると1656年にThomas Whartonによって顎下腺導管が, さらにNiels Stensen (1662) によって耳下腺導管が発見され, 肉眼的な構造が明らかにされた. つづいて, Nuck (1690) によって, イヌの唾液腺導管に外来物質を逆行性に注入する, いわゆる唾液腺導管の生理に関する研究が始められた. そして, Bernard (1856) によって, イヌ唾液腺導管に逆行性に注入した物質は, 全身の循環系に移行するという新知見が発表され, それ以来, 数多くの唾液腺導管系に関する機能が研究されてきた.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : A Study on the Movement of Tracers in the Main Excretory Duct of Dog Parotid Gland
Subtitle :
Authors : Satoshi NAKAMURA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 18
Number : 4
Page : 409-432
Year/Month : 1984 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] : It is known that the striated duct not only excretes saliva, but also regulates salivary constituents by reabsorption of the secretory substance and reverse-absorption of inorganic ions. However, it is unknown whether the regulation of salivary constituents in the main excretory duct is performed in the same manner as in the striated duct. In order to know about the mechanism of endocytosis of the main excretory duct epithelium, colloidal gold, a macromolecular tracer (C. G. granule : 150-200 A in diameter) or horseradish peroxidase, a micromolecular tracer (HRP : about 40 A in diameter) was injected into the orfice the main excretory duct, and the destiny of the tracers was examined histochemically and electron-microscopically. The following resuts were obtained. Most part of the two different tracers was rapidly taken up from the lumen by adsorptive pinocytosis to the epithelial cell of the main excretory duct. The remaining tracers were in part hydrolyzed by intracellular lysosomal enzyme and broken down into lipid droplets and residual bodies. However, some of the indigested tracers which had passed through the epithelial wall of the duct, were digested up by the phagosome in the endothelial cells. From these results, it is believed that part of the salivary secretory substance is absorbed through the wall of the main excretory duct, although its absorptive activity is lower.
Practice : Dentistry
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