


Title : 下顎運動計測システムの開発とその応用
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 菊川大士
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第2講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 18
Number : 4
Page : 433-448
Year/Month : 1984 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」下顎の運動を運動論的に解明しようとする場合には, 少なくともあらゆる部位の3次元的位置を時間軸と対応して計測することが必要である. 運動によって時々刻々と変化する下顎の位置・姿勢は, 上顎に対して有する6自由度を検出することによって記録することができる. また, その時刻における任意点の上顎に対する位置は, その点の下顎に対する位置と記録した6自由度に関する情報をもとに演算して求めることができる. 従来, 下顎の6自由度は, キモグラフィオンに直接描記されていた. しかし, 1960年代後半から任意点の計測は, 電気的に変位を検出するセンサの技術と, 膨大なデータを処理できるコンピュータの発達によって本格的に行われるようになってきている. さて, 任意点の下顎に対する位置の計測は, 石膏模型と顔弓, あるいは石膏模型とセファログラムなどによって間接的に行われており, 直接生体で計測されている例はほとんどみられない.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : A Development of the Measuring System for Mandibular Movements and Its Application
Subtitle :
Authors : Daishi KIKUTA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 2nd Department of Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 18
Number : 4
Page : 433-448
Year/Month : 1984 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] : There have been a great number of studies analyzing mandibular movement. Recent innovations in electronic engineering have allowed the development of a more refined and accurate apparatus capable of measuring motion of the mandible in three dimensions. It is commonly supported by many authors that an application of six degrees of freedom is considered to be an important role in construction of the apparatus that makes it possible to measure points in any given position on the mandible. However, this was successfully conducted only when the measurement was performed by such indirect methods as on plaster casts or cephalograms, and successive mathematical calculations from coordinates should be transmitted to the positions of individual tooth cusps and the segments of the hinge axis in a subject. Consequently, it was always mandatory to use two different apparatus, namely, one for measuring mandibular movement of a subject and another for calculating coordinates. This causes a difficulty in manipulation and arises in a mechanical error. Therefore, it was the purpose of this study to develop a new mandibular measuring system so that direct measurement could be possible through sensors fixed in a subject, and this system eliminates the various complicated procedures. Motions could be displayed graphically in any given position of individual tooth cusps and segments of the hinge axis. Three subjects were selected in this study to evaluate the reversal site of the movement vector in the positions of individual tooth cusps and the segments of the hinge axis during border movement of the mandible by means of a new measuring system. The following results are summarized from this study ; 1. The mandibular measuring system was developed so that the system made it possible for direct measurement of mandibular movement of a subject, and this makes it possible for an evaluation of the data in a short time. 2. All necessary motions can be displayed graphically in any given position of individual tooth cusps and the segments of the hinge axis during mandibular movement. 3. Motion measurement of three subjects showed that the reversal site of movement vector was observed in the segments of the inner condyle and outer condyle areas during border movement of the mandible. 4. The system was also verified to be useful for clinical application.
Practice : Dentistry
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