


Title : ヒト乾燥頭蓋における接触点の衝撃減衰能力に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 小笠原嘉一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第1講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 18
Number : 4
Page : 449-469
Year/Month : 1984 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」咬合および咀嚼運動は顎口腔系を構成する諸組織の相互の均衡に基づいて行われる生体機能の一つで, 全身とのTotal Balanceが重要である. 咀嚼系要素に不均衡が生じた場合には, 生理的機能, 精神衛生および全身症状等に影響を与える事も指摘され, 生体と調和した歯科治療, 特に咬合治療上の有効な診断法や治療法の確立が求められている. 昨今, 咬合診断用ME機器の臨床的応用が盛んになり始めているものの基本となる咬合および咀嚼時に歯に加わった力の咀嚼系への伝達様相等は未だ不明確な点が多く, その解明が急務とされている. 咀嚼系における咬合力の伝達様相の究明にあたり, その実験対象となる生体を考慮する時, その組織自体の粘性と弾性あるいは構造差等が複雑に絡みあい, 各構成要素の性状分析は極めて困難である. 咬合力と咀嚼系との関連は, これらの複雑な因子を多方面から一つ一つ究明していき, その総括的判断によってとらえていく必要がある.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Study on the Shock Attenuation Capacity at Contact Point in a Human Dry Skull
Subtitle :
Authors : Kaichi OGASAWARA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 18
Number : 4
Page : 449-469
Year/Month : 1984 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] : In recent years, the ME instrument for occlusion diagnosis has come into clinical use. However, it remains unknown how the forces applied to the teeth during occlusion and mastication are transmitted to other areas. In the human being it is difficult to analyze the ways in which the occlusal forces of the stomatognathic system are transmitted. This difficulty is due to viscosity, elasticity and structural differences. As a result, in studying the relationship between occlusal and masticatory forces, there is a need to clarify these complex factors from different aspects and eventually obtain a unified analysis. Under these conditions, occlusal force was considered in terms of shock and a series of studies was made in order to clarify the characteristics of the masticatory system. Contact relationships of the upper and lower teeth, which are the starting points for occlusion, and contact relationship between adjacent teeth were studied in terms of dynamics in making this report. Taking the processes as vibratory phenomena, in order to clarify contact points and the functions formed by this in the teeth as a whole, the author used a dry human skull as an experimental model. Experiments were performed on such matters as the shock attenuation capacity in the teeth with contact points featuring both normal and premature occlusion. The following results were obtained. 1. Loss of contact points has an effect on the maxillary teeth and this was particularly pronounced at an opening distance of 0.5 cm. 2. Loss of contact points appeared as a drop in attenuation capacity in the experimental maxillary teeth. 3. The tendency in the maxillary teeth to exhibit a drop in attenuation capacity due to a loss of contact points appeared in the molars in an occlusal cervical direction and in the anterior teeth in a mesio-distal direction. 4. There was hardly any effect recognized in the lower teeth due to a loss of contact points. 5. When force was applied to one tooth among the experimental teeth there was a particularly large attenuation of shock in that tooth and in the alveolar bone. The shock attenuation capacity in the other experimental areas was low
Practice : Dentistry
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