


Title : 天然歯および人工歯の法医学的検討 - 柴外線照射について -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 日隈栄二, 杉田久, 山崎勝彦, 大谷進, 山本勝一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学法医学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 19
Number : 1
Page : 41-48
Year/Month : 1984 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯が個人識別上, 航空機事故などの大量犠牲者が発生したときや, 身元不明死体ことに軟部組織の損壊が著しい白骨化した死体とか腐乱死体の場合に, 重要な役割を果たす資料であることは, Keiser-Nielsen, Salley, Stevens, Furuhata, Haines, 鈴木, Luntz, 山本らの報告によって明らかである. すなわち, Keiser-Nielsenは, トルコのアンカラ空港付近でスカンジナビアの旅客機が墜落し, 42名の乗客の生命が失われ, このうち28名 (66%) の身元確認は歯の調査によるものであるという. また, Keiser-Nielsenは, デンマーク領空内において3件のデンマーク機を巻き込んだ事故の際, 歯の専門家1名を含むデンマーク個人識別チームが現場に赴き, 死者の身元確認に非常に満足のいく結果をもたらしたという. Salleyは, アメリカのバージニア州で起きた2件の飛行機事故の身元確認に, 両ケースとも死者の燃焼の度合が著しかったが, 前者においては, 50名の死者中17名が歯の面からの調査が可能であったが, そのうち, 13名の死者が身元確認され, 後者は74名中49名が歯によって身元確認されたという.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Medico-legal Investigations on Natural Teeth and Artificial Teeth - Especially on Radiation of Ultraviolet rays -
Subtitle :
Authors : Eiji HIGUMA, Hisashi SUGITA, Katsuhiko YAMAZAKI, Susumu OHTANI, Katsuichi YAMAMOTO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Forensic Medicine, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 19
Number : 1
Page : 41-48
Year/Month : 1984 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : To distinguish between natural teeth and artificial ones is important in police investigation. When an unknown skeleton or decomposed body is examined, the distinction can be a substantial clue to the identity of the dead. It is well known that natural teeth give forth fluorescence when exposed to ultraviolet rays. The light is produced because of some organic matter contained in the tooth. Dentin exhibits fluorescence more more intensely than enamel. The wavelengths measure somewhere around 3,660A. Some artificial teeth fluoresce. However, this is due to a fluorescent substance in the coating material applied to the surface of the false tooth for the purpose of adding an aethetic effect to the man-made substitute. The fluorescent substance gives off light when acted upon by heat in the oral cavity. In medico-legal investigation, difficulties can arise in telling natural teeth from artificial teeth (made of resin, porcelain or other materials) because of the peculiar circumstances under which the inspection is done. With a view to facilitate such on-the-spot investigation, we have performed experiments using a Topcon luminance meter. The luminance and chromaticity values of fluorescence emitted from artificial and natural teeth under ultraviolet rays (3,600A and 2,537A) were obtained with varying wavelengths. Our findings suggested that the chromaticity value should be used in distinguishing between natural and artificial teeth. With changes of wavelength, chromaticity changed in man-made teeth whereas it remained almost the same in natural teeth.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :