


Title : 複根を有する下顎永久犬歯10症例と文献的考察
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 澤田克也, 坪田不二雄, 北村博則
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔組織学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 19
Number : 2
Page : 127-137
Year/Month : 1984 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「まえがき」永久歯の多根症は, すべての歯種に出現する可能性があり, 藤田によると下顎第1大臼歯では20%に見られ, 尾崎は下顎第1大臼歯を除くと0.5%の出現頻度であるという. 下顎永久犬歯の複根に関する報告は, Hillebrandの103例, Visserの123例, 中村らの60例, 内藤の56例, Alexandersenの56例, その他である. 「材料と方法」標本は教室所蔵の数万本の抜去歯の中から選び出されたので性別は不明である. 歯種と左右別は肉眼解剖学的に推定した. 根分岐部の組織像を検索するために, 近遠心的縦断の研磨標本を作製したが, 抜去後の保存が悪いことと奇形歯特有の形成不全のために, 研磨標本は破損がひどく組織像を正確に観察することができなかった. したがって肉眼解剖学的所見しか報告できなかった. 「観察結果」1. 歯の計測値 各症例の計測値と正常下顎犬歯の平均値はTable 1に示してある. 症例4と10の唇舌径と症例9の近遠心径が大きいのが目立つ. 他の計測値はいずれもやや小さ目であるが, 症例1, 8, 9, 10が正常に近く, 他はいずれもやや小さい.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Ten Cases of the Two-rooted Permanent Mandibular Canine with Special Reference to the Identical Malformations Appeared in the Past
Subtitle :
Authors : Katsuya SAWADA, Fujio TSUBOTA, Hironori KITAMURA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Histology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 19
Number : 2
Page : 127-137
Year/Month : 1984 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Ten cases of the two-rooted permanent mandibular canine were macroscopically examined. One case showed a gutter-shaped root, while the remaining 9 cases showed their roots were labiolingually bifurcated. The canine with a gutter-shaped root might be the transient form between the canine with a single root in which two canals are found and the two-rooted canine, The four of the 9 cases showed that the lingual root is smaller than the labial one in size. But in the remaining 5 cases the size of the two roots in each was almost the same. The total number of the identical malformations of the permanent canines appeared in the past and the present 10 cases was 631 in which 11 cases of upper canines and 619 cases of the lower ones were included. This means the incidence of this kind of super-numerary root formation of the permanent canines is not so rare as have been believed. In general the size of the whole tooth in these malformed cases is smaller than the normal canine, which suggests that two-root formation in the canine is not protostylid but of phenocopy. The reason for a big difference between the incidence of the upper two-rooted canines and that of the lower ones is beyond speculation.
Practice : Dentistry
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