


Title : フッ化物含有飲料水の骨に与える影響について - ことに高リン飼料飼育の場合 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 谷武
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 1
Page : 13-29
Year/Month : 1985 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」現在,フッ素(以下Fと略記)は生体にとって必須の微量元素と考えられている. Fがう蝕予防に広く応用されていることはいまさらいうまでもないが, Fが歯以外の生体組織にも有益な作用を及ぼすらしいことも徐々に明らかにされてきている. 例えば, 飲料水に4~5.8ppmのFを含む地域の住民に, 骨多孔症や大動脈の石灰化有所見者が少ないという事実が報告されている. このことから骨多孔症の治療にFを応用するこころみがなされてきたが, 劇的な効果はみられなかったようである. これは, 個人差, F投与量, F投与期間, 併用した薬剤との関連などによるものと思われ, それらを検討した報告もある. またFによる治療方法の見直しとともに, 古くから骨多孔症の治療薬として用いられてきたFの効果について, 集中的に検討しようとする動きもあり系統的な研究が進められてきている. 例えば, ビタミンD3とFを化学的に結合させて, β-フルオロ-ビタミンD3〔3β(F)D3〕としてその活性を調べたり, Fとカルシトニンとの関係やFによる軟組織の石灰化予防効果も報告され, さらに, Fとカルシウム(以下Caと略記), ビタミンDなどを併用して治療に用いたりしている. なかでも, 腎石灰症に対する研究で, Fが腎のCa量を明らかに減少させることが報告されている.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Possible Effect of Fluoride on Bone - Especially, Under the Feeding with High Phosphorous Diet -
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Takeshi TANI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dental Health And Public Health, Kanagawa Dental college
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 1
Page : 13-29
Year/Month : 1985 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Fluoride is an essential trace element in the diet and is thought to be required for normal dental and skeletal growth. Furthermore, during the last decade, the use of sodium fluoride in the treatment of demineralizing bone diseases has increased appreciably. In order to know a possible effect of fluoride on bone of the rat, an attempt was made to analyze urine samples(minerals and total hydroxyproline), blood serum samples(minerals)and femur samples(chemical, roentgenographic and mechanical analysis). Rats were fed for 97 days with ordinary diet(Ca/P:1.18) -"O-group"or high phosphorous diet(Ca/P:0.25) -"P-group", both of which contains low fluoride(F:0.07ppm). According to fluoride concentration of drinking water, these two groups were subdivided to 0-, 5-, 10- and 20ppmF-subgroup, respectively. In the present study, some interesting points were raised through the analysis of femur samples. While calcium and phosphorous contents of bone in the "O-group", regardless of fluoride concentration of water, were found as a similar value, these in the "P-group" were as a highest value in the 5ppmF-subgroup. Fluoride content of bone in the "O-group" increased as the fluoride concentration of water raised. In the "P-group", however, a highest value of fluoride was found in the 5ppmF-subgroup. Through the roentgenographic analysis, an improvement of bone crystallinity by fluoride found in the "O-group". Similar findings, however, were not found in the "P-group" execpt the 5ppmF-group. Bone strength value through the test exerting the pressure on the middle point of the bone shaft showed a upward trend, in both "O-group" and "P-group", according to fluoride concentration of water. Through the impact torsional test(Frankel & Burstein, 1971), bone strength value in the "O-group" also showcd a upward trend with increasingly fluoride concentration of water. In the "P-group", on the contrary, a downward trend was found, but except the 5ppmF-subgroup. Thus, even in an abnormal condition fed with high phosphorous diet, a possible beneficial effect of low doses of fluoride on physical property of bone was suggested.
Practice : Dentistry
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