


Title : 歯に加えた衝撃の頭部ならびに上半身における振動特性について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 浜田静樹
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 1
Page : 38-57
Year/Month : 1985 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯科領域において, 客観的な診断と治療効果の判定などのためにME機器の利用が多くなり, 咬合診断の一助としての咬合音解析や歯の動揺度診断における研究が盛んになっている. 特に咬合診断の一助としての咬合音解析は, 諸外国ではStewart, Watt, 本邦では杉崎, 松尾らの咬音研究に始まり数多くの研究がみられる. これらの研究は歯と歯の衝突により起こる咬合音を空気伝導音としてとらえるか, 骨伝導音としてとらえるかによって大別されtransducerや分析装置が異なっている. 空気伝導音として集音, 分析したものは芦澤の直接歯を各種打診器具で打診して基本周波数は1,100Hzで1,250Hz以下としたもの, 緒田のクリスタルマイクロホンによる分析でtapping時の主成分の範囲を732~998Hzと報告したもの, また高宮の最大ピーク周波数は中間帯域の700~1,300Hzに存在すると報告したものなどがある.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Characteristics of Vibration in the Head and Torso Resulting from Tooth Vibration
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Sizuki HAMADA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 1
Page : 38-57
Year/Month : 1985 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The ME instrument is being used more and more in the field of dentistry for objective diagnosis and judgements on treatment effectiveness. In this field, important factors include not only increasing the performance capabilities of the ME instrument but also comparative examination pf the data obtained by different types of instruments. Particularly in the analysis of occlusal vibration as an aid in occlusal diagnosis there are many types of instruments on the market which are being used clinically. However, there remain many problems concerning such matters as selection of the measuring sites which form the basis for such analysis, as well as concerning the transducer and the methods of placing the measuring instrument on the measuring sites. These and other problems need to be examined from various angles. The author did measurements on the head region and upper torso to determine in what form vibration applied to the teeth was transmitted to different areas of the body. In addition, experiments were conducted to gain a grasp on vibration properties of various vibration media and what effect vibration from different parts of the body had on the measurement of occlusal sound. The following conclusions were reached. 1. NO significant differences were noted for the pattern of shock attenuation among the measurement sites on the various areas of the head region. They were all about 30 dB. 2. Results of FFT analysis at the various measurement sites on the head region showed 1318Hz for the frontal bone, 816Hz for the zygomatic bone, 621Hz for the maxilla, 489Hz for the mandible, and 537Hz for the mastoid process. 3. Examination of measurement sites from the standpoint of occlusal diagnosis showed that the mastoid process, despite some limitations in transmission capability, is stable enough for the gathering of occlusal vibratation. 4. The frontal bone showed high transmission capability. The wave pattern was single peak and reproducibility was outstanding. It was considered the best measurement site for gaining a grasp on transmission properties. 5. The shock exerted on the teeth is transmitted to the chest region via the neck and displays an attenuation level of 50 to 60 dB. Following this, is mixes with background noise making further judgement impossible. 6. Results of one octave analysis show that vibration frequencies in the various parts of the head region range from 500Hz to 1KHz, a figure which decreases to 500Hz in the cervical vertebrae and to 250Hz in the chest vertebrae.
Practice : Dentistry
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