


Title : 骨移植材の保存領域への応用 第2報 : 人工骨移植後の長期予後観察および歯周外科手術後の創傷治癒に関する文献学的考察
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 三辺正人, 田村利之, 児玉利朗, 菅谷彰, 福田忠彰, 古郷辰二, 友松栄子, 大場正道, 松能宗喜, 宮島実, 堀俊雄
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室第2講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 1
Page : 115-130
Year/Month : 1985 / 6
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」現在まで, 歯牙の機能的抵抗力を増加させるとともに歯周ポケットを除去し, 歯周組織を以前の様な生理的範囲内に再形成する目的で, 骨移植が臨床の場で広く応用されている. 最近では, 自家および同種骨移植に加えて生体親和性に優れ, 良好な骨形成能を有し, 比較的安価で容易に入手できる人工骨移植材が注目を集めている. 歯周治療に応用することを目的として, 種々研究がなされている人工骨移植材としては, Plaster, Hydroxyapatite(H.A.P.), Tricalcium phosphate(T.C.P.)などがあるが, その実験的, 臨床的評価は, さまざまで特にH.A.P. T.C.P.については, 生体親和性はかなり高い様であるが, 粒子サイズ, 焼成温度およびそれらに起因すると考えられている生体内溶解性と骨誘導能との関連性や歯周手術後の再付着におよぼす影響については, いまだ不明な点が多い.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : The Application of Bone Graf Material for the Conservative Dentiatry 2. Long-term Observation after Artificial Bone Grafting and Bibliographical Studies of Traumatotherapy following Periodontal Surgery
Subtitle :
Authors : Masato MINABE, Toshiyuki TAMURA, Toshiro KODAMA, Akira SUGAYA, Tadaaki FUKUDA, Tatsugi KOGO, Eiko TOMOMATSU, Masamichi OBA, Muneki MATSUNO, Minoru MIYAGIMA, Toshio HORI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Periodontology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 1
Page : 115-130
Year/Month : 1985 / 6
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Bone grafting in oral surgery is looked upon as a major therapeutic procedure to restore the alveolar bone structure even physiologically. Over the past years all-out efforts have been made to improve grafting material as well as grafting techniques. As a result, artificial grafts, superb in bone formation ability and biocompatibility, have become available easily. And an increasing number of such grafts have come to be used clinically. In the present study, hydroxyapatite, a surface resorbable bioceramic and tricalcium phosphate, a resorbable bioceramic, were experimentally used on patients with periodontal and pulpal disease for the purpose of restoring bone defects. Eight to thirteen months after operation, the implants were examined and assessed radiographically. Radiological examination revealed that the bone mineral content in the site had increased, and that part of the trabecular pattern had been remodeled. However, neither lamina dura nor periodontal ligament space appeared. In view of the important role the bone structure plays in traumatotherapy following periodontal surgery, bone grafting should be reassessed not only in its aspects of bone morphogenesis but also in its phpsiological compatibility with the periodontal tissue.
Practice : Dentistry
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