


Title : 頭部の振動伝達時間に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 澤田教彰
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 2
Page : 192-215
Year/Month : 1985 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」顎口腔系における咬合や咀嚼運動などの生体機能は生理的均衡の上に成立し, それが破られた時には関連する器官や全身ならびに精神衛生に悪影響を及ぼすことが指摘されている. 補綴領域においても咀嚼圧の均等配分という理念から咬合診査が重要視され顎関節, 咀嚼筋, 咬合接触の診査などに各種診査機器を臨床的に応用し, 客観的な診断を行っている. しかし, 咬合や咀嚼時に歯に加えられた力が咀嚼系から全身へ伝達する様相は組織的ならびに解剖学的構造やその物理特性などが複雑に絡み合い, その解明は非常に困難とされている. したがって現状では種々の因子を捕えてからそれぞれを総括し応用していくことが必要である. 当教室では, 咬合力を音響振動学的に捕らえ, 歯周組織の衝撃の減衰能力に関する研究, 振動刺激がラット歯槽骨に与える影響, 支台歯, 支台装置の振動特性の研究, インプラント支台の振動特性, 骨構造と軟組織が骨振動特性に与える影など周波数領域からの一連の研究を行ってきた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : A Study on Vibration Transfer Time in the Head
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Noriaki SAWADA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 2
Page : 192-215
Year/Month : 1985 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Although occlusal prognosis has come to receive wide use in prosthodontics, there has been little research on the time factor involved when the shock applied to the teeth is transfered to the other areas of the head. Also, differing measuring methods and instruments make it difficult to assess the various data on a unified level. In the present study, the following measurements were made to clarify characteristics of the time factor in the transfer to head areas of vibration applied to the teeth: Measurement of differences in time values(T-T)for the leading edges at vibration application points and receptor points. Measurement of differences in time values for the highest peak(P-P)at vibration application points and receptor points. Measurement of differences in the highest peak levels(P-L)at P-P. The impulse hammer method was used to apply vibration to the teeth and a 2ch FFT analyzer was used to observe wave formations at vibration application points and receptor points. Measurements were made concerning the items listed above and the following results were obtained. 1. Regarding T-T, transfer time in reception of vibration was faster at points on the side of the skull where vibration was applied as compared to the side where on vibration was applied. 2. The same tendency that was observed for T-T was also observed for T-T. However, depending on where vibration was weasured, there were cases where the rate was higher on the side where no vibration was applied. 3. Acomparison of T-T and P-P hinted at possible differences in characteristics of the vibration transfer media. 4. It was considered possible to determine occlusal contact abnormalities by using electronic measuring methods to discover vibration transfer time differences. 5. The parietal bone is considered most suitable as a vibration receptor point during vibration transfer.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :