


Title : アミノ酸のラセミ化反応を利用する象牙質からの年齢推定
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 日隈栄二
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学去医学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 3
Page : 320-330
Year/Month : 1985 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯は, 人体組織中, 最も硬い組織であり, 物理化学的影響を受けにくく, ヒトの死後永くその形をとどめているという観点から, 法医学上, 重要な検査資料の1つである. また, 身元不明死体, とくに海中に漂流していた溺死体, その他腐乱の著しい死体, あるいは白骨死体の歯から年齢を推定することは, きわめて大切な事項といえる. 歯の年齢推定に関する研究は, 古くより多岐にわたり, その分類は, 発生学的変化, 物理化学的変化および生理学的変化をとらえたものなどがみられる. このなかでしばしば実際に利用されているのが, 生理学的変化をとらえたものである. Gustafsonは, 咬耗, 第2象牙質および歯根部透明象牙質の発現, 歯根膜の後退, セメント質の添加, 歯根の吸収の6つの変化をとらえ, +-3.6歳で年齢推定可能であると報告している. 栃原は, 咬耗のみに着眼した年齢推定法を報告し, 竹井も咬耗から一定の数学的基準を作成し, 各歯種の各咬耗段階ごとに, 年齢推定するのに最もふさわしいと思われる"咬耗値による推定年齢算出表"を提示し, 年齢推定法として評価されている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Age Estimation Using the Racemisation of Amino Acid on Human Dentin
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Eiji HIGUMA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Forensic Medicine, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 3
Page : 320-330
Year/Month : 1985 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Accurate age estimation using tooth is one of the most important themes of forensic odontology, and a number of reports have hitherto been made on this subject. L-amino acids are generally present in ecologic tissue. In the case of tooth, however, owing to its slow metabolism after its formation, racemised and transformed D-amino acids remain in the tissue and accumulate with age. In 1976 Helfman et al. noticing aspartic acids showing the most rapid racemisation rate, made use of this D/L ratio as a means of age estimation and reported a result of a high correlation (0.979). However, only a few reports of this sort have so far been made. Moreover, the samples used for the estimation were made from arbitrary portions not from the specified portions of dentin. So in our study, both cross and cervical sections of dentin were prepared by using gas chromatograph, and D/L-aspartic acid ratio was measured. The ratio was examined as to its usefulness as a means of age deduction with the result as follows: 1) The examination of the 221 samples(10mg each)taken from the cervical portions of dentin resulted in the correlation coefficients ranging from 0.97~0.99. 2) Among the samples from young individuals the D/L ratio tended to be high in the incisal edge of the tooth and low in the root. 3) Among aged and middle-aged individuals, the D/L ratio tended to be low in the incisal edge of the tooth and high in the root. 4) The examination of 53 samples of the total dentin resulted in the correlation coefficient higher than 0.99. This present method has enabled us to attain much more accurate age estimation compared with any former method or any report of this sort, and certainly it is considered to be well fit for practical use.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :