


Title : 固定性架工義歯ポンティック基底面が歯槽堤粘膜におよぼす影響に関する実験的研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 大友孝恒
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 東北歯科大学歯科補綴学第I講座, 東北歯科大学口腔病理学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 3
Page : 331-368
Year/Month : 1985 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」日常臨床における補綴処置の主たる目的は, 喪失した顎口腔系の形態と機能の回復および残存組織の保全にある. そのためには, 補綴物が生体組織に適応し, かつ組織を傷害しないことが重要である. したがって, 製作されるすべての補綴物には生物学的所要条件を満たすことが要求され, 臨床で広く応用されている固定性架工義歯についても例外ではない. しかし, 余儀なく撤去された固定性架工義歯のうちには, ポンティック基底面直下の粘膜組織や支台歯の欠損側歯肉粘膜に, ポンティックに起因すると思われる炎症性変化がしばしばみられる. とくにポンティック基底面と歯槽堤粘膜が広い面積で接触していたり, 加圧接触状態を呈しているものにあっては, 基底面直下の粘膜組織に, 圧痕, 発赤, 糜爛, 潰瘍や歯肉増殖などが認められる. これらの病変は自覚症状なしに経過している場合が多い. 1956年石原ら, 1957年黒沢らによる架工義歯の予後調査においても, 歯周疾患をはじめとする軟組織に対する為害作用が非常に多いことが報告されている.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : An Experimental Study on the Influcnce of the Pontic Basal Surface of Fixed Partial Dentures to the Alveolar Mucosa
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Takatsune OHTOMO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics, Tohoku Dental University, Department of Oral Pathology, Tohoku Dental University
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 3
Page : 331-368
Year/Month : 1985 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : An experimental study was conducted to investigate tbe correlation between the various materials and shapes of pontic basal surfaces of the fixed partial denture to clarify the inflience of these factors. The following types of materials were used in fabricating the pontic: (1)12% Au-Ag-Pd alloy, (2)1%Pt-Au alloy, (3)Glazed porcelain, and (4)Heat-cured acrylic resin. Each material was tested under the following pontic designs: (1)non-contact (2)light contact, and (3)compression. These pontic designs, using the 4 different types of materials, were attached to the appliance in the orally in 5 male subjects for a period of 14 days each. The tissue was observed both macroscopically and microscopially under scanning electronics. The following results were obtained. 1. In samples of 12% Au-Ag-Pd alloy, dental plaques appeared in both contact and non-contact types with bacteria mainly consisting of cocci after 2 days. Within 14 days, thick bacterial flora were formed along with an increase of fungi especially in the light contact type. Regarding epithelial cells of the alveolar ridge, microscopic ridges on the tissue surface were split and fused with flattening in the contact type within 14 days. In the non-contact type, there was a tendency for destruction with total disappearance of the microridges. 2. The amount of dental plaque was found to be the greatest in non-contact types of pontics. Microscopic observation showed epithelial changes in the microridges directly under the basal surface of the non-contact pontic. 3. Glazed porcelain with light contact pontic showed the least amount of dental plaque accumulation, and no changes of microridge structure were observed, whereas some changes were seen in all others. 4. Using compression type pontics, mild compressions of the alveolar mucosa were observed in all samples. Glazed porcelain resulted in slight deterioration of the microridge structure. All other materials resulted in complete disappearance of microridges and flattening of the cell surface. The presense of microridge is evidence of healthy tissue. From these findings, it is evident that the most favorable pontic for fixed partial dentures is that of glazed porcelain with light contact in order to maintain a healthy state of the alveolar mucosa.
Practice : Dentistry
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