


Title : 電鋳加工の高速度化に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 須藤隆正, 浮谷實
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第二講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 21
Number : 1
Page : 80-98
Year/Month : 1986 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」近年, 金属床義歯の価値に対する認識が強まると共に, 精密鋳造技術の進歩により, 高融合金の鋳造床が広く臨床に普及されてきている. しかし, 鋳造法による金属床の製作方法には, 耐火模型の作製, 蝋形成, 埋没, 鋳造などの工程と作業時間を必要とし, これらから派生する多くの問題点を有している. そこで, 野口, 澤田らは, それらの問題点を解消すると共に, 加工精度の優れた電鋳加工法を歯科領域に導入することを目的に, これまで数々の研究が進められてきた. 澤田の方法は, 義歯床製作に付属した諸問題の改善を目的とし, 電鋳法により新しい金属床の開発, 及び電鋳加工では困難とされる電着体の厚みをコントロールする方法について研究を試み, 電鋳法による新たな金属床の製作方法を確立した. 一方, 林は電鋳金属の床用材料としての機械的性質や耐蝕性など, 諸性質の向上を目的として, 電着合金の開発と方法の確立を試み, 考案した陽極を用いることで, ニッケル・コバルトの二元合金の電着を可能にした.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 電鋳加工, 加工速度, 金属床義歯


Title : A Study on Development of High Speed Electroforming
Subtitle :
Authors : Takamasa SUDO, Makoto Ukiya
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of 2nd Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 21
Number : 1
Page : 80-98
Year/Month : 1986 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] : Successive studies were so far conducted on several procedural modifications for construction of a metal plate by electroforming. Consequently, this experiment was particularly performed in focus on development of high speed electroforming to shorten the distance of interelectrodes and to have tried a possible application of highly electric density. Therefore, in this paper an outline of newly developed apparatus is shown and evaluations wers mainly made on possibility of electroforming at high speed and its forming speed of a metal plate. The results were obtained as follows. 1. In preliminary study, it was proved that high speed electroforming could be successfully done by this apparatus. 2. In regard to distributions by electroforming, an appropriate thickness was evenly obtained on an entire surface regardless the portions of metal plate except a specific region in the area of crest of residual ridges to the varied palatal forms. 3. Regarding to influence of flowing speed on thickness, it was not recognized in this study. However, fine surface on plate is positively obtained by increase of flowing speed. 4. Electroforming time is also shortened by approximately 1/4 to 1/9 at 10A/dm2 and 1/11 to 1/27 at 30A/dm2 of current density respectively compared with a conventional electroforming.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :