


Title : アスパラギン酸のラセミ化反応を利用する歯からの年齢推定とその応用
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 杉田久, 山本勝一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学法医学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 21
Number : 4
Page : 449-462
Year/Month : 1987 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」年齢推定は, 生体・死体を問わず個人識別上重要な課題の1つであって, 多数の身元不明死体, とりわけ白骨死体, 焼死体, 溺死体, 轢死体, その他腐乱の著しい死体のように, 身元確認の資料が欠落したときの個人判別の場合に利用される. 一方, 生体でも国籍証明書に実際年齢より高い年齢が誤記され, その訂正に医師, または歯科医師の年齢証明が必要とされたという報告もある. 年齢推定上, 歯が利用されることが多いのは, ヒトの歯が咀嚼による咬合面, 隣接面などの咬耗や磨耗, 歯根部象牙質の石灰化度の増加, ならびに歯周組織における萎縮, 退縮などの現象を起こすこと, さらに歯が個体を離れて放置されても, 腐敗などの外界の刺激, および物理・化学的影響に対し安定で, 死後, 最も永く原型をとどめることなど, 他の器官・組織にみられない特徴を有しているためと思われる. このように, 歯の組織形成の様式が主として時間的要素により不可逆的に変化することは, 年齢推定上, 極めて好都合であるので, 歯から年齢を推定しようとする研究も相当の数に達し, 歯から年齢推定を行った鑑定例もかなり多い.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : アスパラギン酸, ラセミ化反応, 年齢推定


Title : Age Estimation from Tooth Using the Racemization of Aspartic Acid in Human Dentin and its Practical Application
Subtitle :
Authors : Hisashi SUGITA, Katsuichi Yamamoto
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Forensic Medicine, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 21
Number : 4
Page : 449-462
Year/Month : 1987 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Accurate age estimation from the tooth is a very important subject in the field of forensic odontology. Many reports have been made on this subject. Most of those, however, were observations of morphological changes. Helfman et al. reported in 1975 an application of racemization of aspartic acid to age estimation of the tooth (enamel and dentin) with unprecedented good results. In Japan, too, several similar reports have been made since then. This study covers additional fundamental experiments in age estimation from dentin using racemization of aspartic acid, as well as its application to practical use, namely examples of age estimation from teeth of the actual unknown bodies. The following results were abtained as the result of the examination of 14 already identified tooth specimens. 1) The reactive velocity of racemization of aspartic acid in dentin was higher with the tooth in the water than the one in dry condition. The lifetime tooth showed similar velocity to the tooth in the water. In the case of extracted tooth which were left in the open air, little or no increase of D/L ratio after a lapse of 10-20 years seemed to result, according to ideas of velocity theory. 2) The D/L ratios of longitudinal sections of dentin showed very little difference between mesial and distal portions ; while in crown vs. root and labial vs. lingual portions, higher ratios in crown and in labial portion respectively were observed. 3) This method was applied to the actual cases of age estimation (14 cases in all). The errors from the right ages were, +- 1~5 years (σ= +- 1.5 years) when an arbitrary part of dentin was used as the specimen (in 6 cases). The errors, however, were lessened to +- 0~3 years (σ= +- 1.1 years) when the whole longitudinal section of dentin was used (in 8 cases). The method proved to be highly practical.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :