


Title : 時間軸波形からみた歯の動揺度測定の試み
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 平川和助, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 21
Number : 4
Page : 529-543
Year/Month : 1987 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯科の各分野において歯の動揺度測定は, 歯の健康状態を推測する手段として特に重要な事項である. 補綴物の設計においては支台歯の診断や予後観察に, 歯周病においては治療手段の決定のために欠くことのできない診断法の一つであり, 歯および歯周組織の健康度を正確に診査診断しようとする試みが行われているが, 現状では有効な方法の開発は未だ困難な状態である. 歯の動揺度測定については, 古くから多くの方法や測定器が考案されているが, 臨床的判定法としては触診, 盲のう測定, 打診, X線像などが利用されているのが現状である. また, 歯の動揺度測定装置としては外力に対する歯の変位量で表現したElbrecht, Muhlemann, O'Leary, 木村, 石橋のダイヤルゲージ法, Picton, 梶井, 加藤, Korberのストレインゲージ法, およびParfitt, Hofmann, 倉島の電気差動トランス法があるが, 我が国では山崎が歯の動きを小鏡で反射して測定した方法が最初といわれている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : インパクトハンマー法, 歯の動揺度, 人工歯根膜


Title : An Attempt to Measure Tooth Mobility in Terms of Time Domain Wave Forms
Subtitle :
Authors : Kazusuke HIRAKAWA, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 21
Number : 4
Page : 529-543
Year/Month : 1987 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Research has been conducted at this laboratory to measure tooth mobility with acoustical measuring methods. As the result of a process of trial-and-error we considered an approach from the area of time to be effective. With this in mind, the author performed an experiment in which percussion was applied with an impact hammer to a tooth and the resulting vibration picked up on a microphone after which the percussive sound of the tooth was recorded. The length of one wave form resulting at onset of impact was read on a time domain. The experiment showed the possibility of measuring tooth mobility in this way. The present experiment involved a more detailed study on factors related to the experiment on the time domain. This is reported on here since results were obtained which will be a considerable guide when putting this method into practical use. System of the Experiment : A poly-oxy-methylene hammer was employed for the vibration source and a small microphone attached to the hammer was used to pick up vibration. The analyzer consisted of a BK 2CH FFT Analyzer. The method consisted of measuring the time of one wave form in msec units over the wave form of the time domain. [Results]: 1. The experiment showed that it is possible to measure tooth mobility by percussion on the tooth from an impact hammer. 2. A tendency was noticed for the length of the first wave form to increase in proportion to the thickness of the artificial periodontal ligament. An authentic correlation was recognized between the length of one wave form and the rate of tooth mobility.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :