


Title : 実験的歯の移動に伴なう家兎歯槽骨オステオネクチン合成の変化
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 松岡徳二郎, 鈴木祥井
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学矯正学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 21
Number : 4
Page : 544-554
Year/Month : 1987 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯科矯正学においては, 矯正力と総称する物理的外力を直接歯に加え咬合を改善する機会が多い. このときの歯の移動は歯槽骨の吸収と添加, すなわち骨の改造によって進行することが明らかにされてきた. したがって, 歯の移動に対応する生体反対は歯科矯正学における最も重要な課題となっている. これまで歯の移動に関する研究の多くは, 主として組織学的あるいは組織化学的手段を用いて行われてきたが, 最近では, 電子顕微鏡的観察や生化学的手段の応用によって次第に歯周組織の微細な構造変化や細胞代謝の分子レベルでの変化を理解しようという方向に進んでいる. 事実, 実験的歯の移動によって歯根膜や歯槽骨のコラーゲン合成能が上昇することや歯周組織の酵素活性が大きく変動することなどが漸次明らかとなってきている. Satoらは, TCA回路の中間代謝物質であるsuccinate-1.4-14Cを代謝指標として歯槽骨細胞の代謝機能を調べ, 矯正力がTCA回路を中心とした広範な代謝経路に変化を起こすことを報告している.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : オステオネクチン, 歯槽骨, 歯の移動


Title : Alteration of Osteonectin Synthesis Incident to Experimental Tooth Movement in Rabbit Alveolar Bone
Subtitle :
Authors : Tokujiro MATSUOKA, Yoshii Suzuki
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 21
Number : 4
Page : 544-554
Year/Month : 1987 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: The experimental study was undertaken to clarify the influence of orthodontic stimulation on the biorynthesis of osteonectin in alveolar bone cells. Sixty male Japanese white rabbits were used in this study. Following the tooth movement for 1, 3, 6, 13 and 20 days with helical torsion spring, the alveolar bone was removed, fragmented and incudated with radioactive succinate for 120 minutes in BGJb mdium. After incubation, the extracellular medium component, NaCl extract, GdmCl extractable matrix component, EDTA extractable matrix component and insoluble matrix component were fractionated from the incubation medium and alveolar bone tissue. Alveolar bone osteonectin was isolated from the formic acid precipitate of medium component and EDTA extractable matrix component by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel and FPLC system. Time course of tooth movement was able to divided into four stages based on remodeling response in tooth supporting tissues. In first stage, rapid tooth displacement stage, incorporation of radioactivity into osteonectin was decreased both in the medium and the EDTA extractable matrix. In second stage, tooth movement delay stage, the synthesis of osteonectin of the medium was gradually increased while it was relatively constant in that of EDTA extractable matrix. In third and fourth stages of tooth movement, although the radioactivity of osteonectin decreased in medium component, osteonectin of the matrix component elevated and reached the control level. The results suggested that the synthesis of osteonectin is responsible to remodeling process of alveoar bone which was activated by orthodontic stimulation.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :