


Title : B型肝炎ウイルスと感染事故におけるHBIG投与の疫学的感染予防効果
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 木村友七, 檜垣旺夫*, 重根充*, 石井寸実代, 岩宮万里子, 早川千春, 林比呂志, 伊東利, 八木伸
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学臨床病理学教室, 中央検査科, *神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 21
Number : 4
Page : 596-602
Year/Month : 1987 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」ウイルスの感染は, 発病・感染から臨床的疫学も困難性を伴い, 急性感染・慢性感染と基礎的疾患への影響や予後との関連性が問題とされる. B型肝炎ウイルス(HBV)の研究は, BlumbergのAu抗原の発見から, 免疫・疫学・臨床学的観察を基盤とした検索により, 病因と疾患との相互・ 因果関係の段階と平行し, 病因制御が積極的に進められている. また, HBV腫瘍関連マーカーが重要視されている. HBV感染は, 輸血・血液製剤の輸入, 医療過誤, 母児間における垂直・水平感染, 接触による家族相互間の感染, 配偶者間感染など, さらには施設間, 同性愛者間, 薬物依存間らと感染頻度が高い. 医療が発達し, 内科的, 外科的, 歯科的な治療法が複雑化するにつれて, HBVをはじめとする日和見感染に対する医療上の対策的手段が指摘される. HBV汚染・感染の重要性・緊急性の度合に応じて, HBIG・HBワクチンの投与が積極的になされている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : HBV感染, HBIG, HBs抗体推移


Title : Hepatitis B Virus and Epidemiological Study on Efficacy of HBIG for the Prevention of Type B Hepatitis After Accidental Exposures Among Medical Staffs
Subtitle :
Authors : Tomoshichi KIMURA, Morio HIGAKI*, Mitsuru SHIKONE*, Sumiyo ISHII, Mariko IWAMIYA, Chiharu HAYAKAWA, Hiroshi HAYASHI, Satoshi ITO, Shin YAGI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Clinical Pathology and Central Laboratories, Kanagawa Dental College, *Department of Pedodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 21
Number : 4
Page : 596-602
Year/Month : 1987 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: In order to prevent accidental exposures to sources of infection at medical insitutions, it is necessary to analyze and examine causes of such exposures from every viewpoint. Book research was done on the present condition of HBV and H-BIG dose. The sources of infection were patient blood samples of high HBsAg (+), eAg (+), and cAb (+) titer. Accidental exposures were in the forms of injection needle punctures in the hand or finger, and intraoral suction of serum. HBsAg (-), HBsAb (-) of the contaminant was confirmed immediately after the accidental exposure, and 10ml of HBIG was injected intramuscularly within 48 hours. HBsAg, Ab and liver function were checked every two weeks for seven months after the dosage. Follow-up survey was conducted regularly for two years after the dosage. [Results]: In male patients, antibody titer was recognized one day after the dosage, and the antibody titer had disappeared by the end of the second week. In female patients, the antibody titer was maintained from the first week till the end of the second week. The value of the antibody titer was higher than in the case of male patients. But the antibody titer had disappeared by the end of the fourth week. As for liver function, there has not been any abnormality in GOT・GPT, Bil, TTT, ZTT, LDH, ChE, γ-GTP, ALP, PR-FN (A/G) etc. until now.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : HBIG