


Title : ラット顎下腺の肥満細胞の分布
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 小園知, 佐藤一芳, 近藤功, 伊藤由美, 瀬下実雄, 前坂秀行, 三辺メイ, 久田太郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学病理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 22
Number : 1
Page : 223-233
Year/Month : 1987 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」組織肥満細胞は塩基性色素によってメタクロマジー陽性を呈する細胞として結合織中に存在し, 細胞内に含まれるヒスタミンやセロトニン, ヘパリンおよびその他のいくつかの物質と関連づけた種々の役割が示唆されている. 肥満細胞の分布密度は炎症性病変の急性期において減少し, 慢性炎症への移行によって増加をきたすことが知られている. この肥満細胞の分布は, 動物種あるいは臓器によって相違するものであるが, ラットの口腔領域では舌および顎下腺に極めて多い. 肥満細胞は消化管粘膜に分布するものと結合組織内のものとで性質の異なることが報告されている. しかし舌および顎下腺内のものは同一の反応性を有し結合組織性の肥満細胞が分布している. 舌は外部環境からの感染や化学的あるいは物理的な障害性の侵襲を受けやすい部位であると理解され, この組織に分布する肥満細胞は, 炎症反応に関連した役割が重要視される.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 導管結紮, 肥満細胞


Title : Distribution of Mast Cells in the Rat Submandibular Gland
Subtitle :
Authors : Satoru OZONO, Kazuyoshi SATO, Isao KONDO, Yumi ITO, Jitsuo SESHIMO, Hideyuki MAESAKA, Mei MINABE, Taro HISADA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of pathology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 22
Number : 1
Page : 223-233
Year/Month : 1987 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: The distribution of mast cells in the rat submandibular glands after duct ligation and the removal of obstructing ligature was studied histochemically. The ligation of the excretory duct led to an atrophy of the gland, showing decrease of PAS staining of the acini. The periglandular, as well as the interstitial connective tissue of the gland was edematous and showed diffuse infiltration by neutrophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes. A week after the ligation of the duct, the acini could no longer be seen distinctly, but appeared as the clusters of small cells with round nuclei. Moreover, some acinar cells exhibited necrocytosis with karyopycnosis and karyorrhexis. In the intralobular stroma, the mast cells could not be identified throughout this period. In the glands after the removal of the obstruction, there were a progressive increase in the number of ducts, and then the formation of acinar cells from newly duct cells could be recognized. At the same time, the remained acinar cells exhibited enlargement of cytoplasm. From 3 to 4 weeks after the removal of the obstruction, the renewal of acinar cells was striking. The acinar cells which previously could be differentiated from the tubular cells became inconspicuous. During the regenerative phase of the glands, the mast cells increased in number markedly. These cells were predominantly distributed in the intralobular stroma, especially around the new ducts and the regenerating acinar cells. Most of mast cells in the intralobular stroma indicated alcian blue-positive. Six weeks after the removal of the obstruction, the glands were essentially identical to the normal non-ligated controls. On completion of the regeneration, mast cells decreased in number. These results suggest that the mast cell may have a pathophysiological function related to regeneration of the acinar cell in the rat submandibular gland.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :