


Title : 血管鋳型法によるヒト上顎静脈系の観察
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 池内孝芳, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 22
Number : 2
Page : 277-299
Year/Month : 1987 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」ヒト上顎の脈管系に関して, 動脈系については比較的詳細な観察が行われてきた. しかし, 静脈系は肉眼的剖出によって得た成績の記載のみにとどまり, 末梢血管(細静脈, 小静脈)の立体構築については不明確, かつほとんど検索されていない. 脈管系の立体構築は, 臓器や組織の生理的機能と密接に関連しており病的状態を解明するうえで必要とされている. 本質的には血流方向とその分布を明確にすることに重要な意味がある. しかし, 小静脈あるいは細静脈は, 血管径が細いため血流方向の確認が困難であり, 生体顕微鏡下の観察も粘膜直下の血管に観察が限定されているため十分把握されていない. 一方, 機能的にも静脈系の微小循環は, 容量血管系として生理学的にも, また病態生理学的にも小静脈, 細静脈の果たす役割は大きい. したがって, 静脈系の形態的研究の欠如は, 結果的に臨床的洞察に誤りを生じかねないことを意味する.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : ヒト上顎, 静脈系, 末梢血管構築, 顔面静脈


Title : The Venous Distribution in the Human Maxilla Using the Corrosion Resin Cast Method
Subtitle :
Authors : Takayoshi IKEUCHI, Kazuto Takahashi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 22
Number : 2
Page : 277-299
Year/Month : 1987 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: A review of the literature indicates there has been no published writings on stereomorphological studies of the peripheral venous system, including vasculatures of the venule and the small veins of the oral cavity. Using the vascular resin casting method, this investigation was attempted to study the anatomical distribution of the human maxillary venous system, utilizing both the dissecting and the scanning electron microscope. Since some of the maxillary venous return does not follow the corresponding arterial distribution of the same area, peripheral arterial blood does not necessarily return via veins of the same anatomical name. The facial vein, which is the most important vein in the oral and maxillofacial region, drains not only the facial soft tissue but also the intra-maxillary and paranasal regions. Veins of the labial gingiva ascend and terminate at the venous plexus on the alveolar process, with a branch at the medial angle of the eye. In the case of the buccal gingiva, the veins drain into the main branches of the facial vein. The primary vein of the hard palate drains from the alveolar process, the palatal gingiva and the nasal cavity, anastomosing with the veins of the soft palate and descending along the pharyngeal wall. All of these forementioned veins drain into the facial vein. In general, the periodontal veins are directed along the peripheral osseous pathways. While the periodontal arteries are directed along both the peripheral and central osseous pathways. Intra-maxillary veins have direct connections with the venous system under the periodontal epithelium via the periodontal ligaments venous network, around the apical and cervical portion of the teeth. With regards to venous valves, they were not observed in the hard immobile tissues, such as the hard palate and intra-maxillary tissues. In comparison, venous valves were found in the soft mobile tissues, such as the hard and soft palatal junction, mucogingival (labial, buccal) and the soft palate tissues.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :