


Title : 種々なパラメーターによる下顎開閉運動の同時解析
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 城所善夫, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 22
Number : 2
Page : 300-319
Year/Month : 1987 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯科領域において重要な事項である咬合や咀嚼運動解明に関する研究は, 多くの方法によって多角的に進められている. そして, これらの研究結果は臨床における診断や治療の裏ずけとして大いに役立っている. 機能面からの研究として, 反対咬合をもつ者の咀嚼筋活動パターンの不調和は矯正治療による形態的変化に伴い改善されるというMoss, 広瀬, 中島ら, 野本ら, 河村らの報告や, 咀嚼運動の円滑さが咀嚼能率に影響を与えるというManlyら, 石原, 平沼らの報告などがある. また, 下顎運動を運動路から研究したものには, 古くはGysiの機械的測定法に始まり, Hickeyらの写真法, 電気的測定法によるものまで数多く発表されている. とくに近年では, Jankelsonらによって開発された3次元的下顎運動を解析できるMandibular Kinesiograph(MKG)は比較的臨床応用が容易なことから多くの関心がもたれ, この方法による下顎運動記録と咀嚼筋筋電図との同時記録も泉田ら, 宇賀村, 小室によって報告され, 運動路と機能の両面から研究が進められている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 加速度, MKG, EMG, 同時解析


Title : Simultaneous Analysis on Tapping of the Mandible by Various Parameters
Subtitle :
Authors : Yoshio KIDOKORO, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 22
Number : 2
Page : 300-319
Year/Month : 1987 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: In recent years there have been a large number of reports on research concerning electrical measurement of mandibular movement. The Mandibular Kinesiograph (MKG) is the object of considerable attention among dentists since it is relatively easy to apply in a clinical setting. There have also been a number of reports in which mandibular movement was examined by simultaneous use of electromyograms and the MKG. However, these reports lack fixed quantities and rely mainly on qualitative analysis. In analyzing tapping movement, the authors relied on an MKG and electromyograms to measure several parameters, including acceleration, to achieve a simultaneous measurement of mandibular motion. The MKG was used to calculate the acceleration, speed, path of mandibular movement and the opening distance. In addition, four different tapping speeds were used when examining the wave forms of electromyograms for the masseter muscles and the anterior belly of digastric muscles. 1. Acceleration was classified into the following five groups : (a) acceleration during opening, (b) reverse acceleration during opening, (c) acceleration during closing, (d) acceleration during contact shock, (e) reverse acceleration during contact shock. 2. Results of classification showed that maximum acceleration was during contact shock a value of 1.09 G and that minimum acceleration was during opening a value of 0.22 G. 3. As for the speed of the mandibular opening movement, the maximum speed during closing was 144.6 mm/sec, while the maximum speed during opening was 105.7 mm/sec, both at a tapping rate of 132 taps/minute. The opening distance at this time ranged between about 47.0% (opening time) and 59.0% (closing time) of the maximum opening distance regardless of the number of taps/minute. 4. The time required for opening occupied 58-68% of the one tapping time, which means it was longer than the time required for closing. 5. A "silent period" was recorded in the masseter muscle of the EMG waveforms during the time when contact acceleration was produced by the tooth.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : MKG, EMG