


Title : RadioimmunoassayによるSomatostatinの測定
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 林比呂志, 木村友七, 石井寸実代, 岩宮万里子, 早川千春, 伊東利, 八木伸, 菊池信弥
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学臨床病理学教室, 中央検査科
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 22
Number : 2
Page : 367-372
Year/Month : 1987 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」Somatostatin(SST)は, ヒト成長ホルモン(GH)分泌を抑制する以外に, 下垂体前葉ホルモン(TRH)による甲状腺刺激ホルモン(TSH)分泌を抑制する. この物質は, Brazeauらにより, ヒツジ視床下部から分離・構造が決定されてから, 有意義な報告とその作用が認められている. ArimuraらによりSSTのradioimmunoassay(RIA法)による測定がなされてから, 体内に広く分布する内因性動態に関する薬理学的・分泌生理学的・組織学的・生化学的・臨床治療学的な種々の研究がなされている. 生体内における生理的な関与および疾患における病因, その意義と価値については明らかでない. 口腔疾患者のSSTの生体内動態と全身的把握を含め, その変動を検索目的として, 健常者のSSTにおける基礎的検討を行い, 二・三の知見を得たので報告する. 「検索資料および測定方法」「I. 検索対象者の選出, 前準備と採血条件」「1. 検索対象者の選出」健康状態の把握は, 問診調査票表1により, 自・他覚的に健康な本学学部学生(男性18名, 23-25歳)および女子衛生短大生(63名, 18-20歳)の81名を選出した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : ソマトスタチン, RIA法, 正常範囲内値


Title : Studies on the Measurements of Somatostatin by Radioimmunoassay
Subtitle :
Authors : Hiroshi HAYASHI, Tomoshichi KIMURA, Sumiyo ISHII, Mariko IWAMIYA, Chiharu HAYAKAWA, Satoshi ITO, Shin YAGI, Nobuya KIKUCHI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Clinical pathology and Central Laboratories, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 22
Number : 2
Page : 367-372
Year/Month : 1987 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Somatostatin (SST), which is a neurotransmitter, is also called SRIF and GIF. The authors conducted the following study of SST, and obtained some observations. 1. Subjects of the study were 81 students of the dental college and the women's junior college, again from 18 to 25. 1) Preparation : 1,500KIU Antagosan and 4.5mg EDTA-2Na were put in a small test tube. 2) 3.0ml of blood was drawn from vein mediana cephalica, and mixed well with 1). 2. Plasma separation and extraction were done according to a method based on Arimura's. 1) Speciments were put on the Himac centrifuge separator for 10 minutes at 4℃ and 3,000rpm. 2) Dried plasma was obtained by drying the lower layer of the sepcimens with an evaporator at 37℃. 3. Measurement : 1) Method and reagents were of the immuno corporations's SST by RIA. 2) SST measurement was done with a γ-scintillation counter. 4. Results : 1) Mean (X), Standard deviation (SD). 2) X for 81 male and female samples was 21.7, SD was 9.5, and the normal value was 12.2-31.2pg/ml. 3) X for 18 male samples was 27.1, SD was 12.8, and the normal value was 14.3-39.9pg/ml. 4) X for 63 female samples was 20.2, SD was 7.7, and the normal value was 12.5-27.9pg/ml. Male samples tended to show higher values.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :