


Title : ラット顎下腺分泌唾液に及ぼすテストステロン, エストラジオール-17βの影響
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 小村和孝, 中川義之
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学生化学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 22
Number : 3
Page : 478-489
Year/Month : 1987 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」ゲッ歯目顎下腺分泌細管の形態的な性的差異がLacassagneによって発見されて以来, 顎下腺が男性ホルモンの調節を強く受けていることが今日まで多くの研究者によって明らかにされてきた. 組織化学的には, 分泌細管細胞内のPAS陽性物質量, RNA量あるいは分泌細管細胞に局在するトリプトファンの含有量が雄に多く, これらは精巣摘出により減少し, テストステロン投与で正常雄レベルまたはそれ以上に回復する. また, 顆粒管細胞内顆粒には, 神経成長因子(Nerve Growth Factor, NGF)や上皮成長因子(Epidermal Growth Factor, EGF)をはじめとする成長因子やトリプシン様およびレニン様プロテアーゼ, グルコース-6-リン酸脱水素酵素など多数のタンパク成分が含有されており, これらの成長因子の量や酵素活性も男性ホルモンの投与, 精巣摘出によって変動する.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 顎下腺分泌唾液, テストステロン, エストラジオール-17β, タンパク成分


Title : Effects of Testosterone and Estradiol-17β on Submandibular Saliva of Rat.
Subtitle :
Authors : Kazutaka KOMURA, Yoshiyuki Nakayama
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Biochemistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 22
Number : 3
Page : 478-489
Year/Month : 1987 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: The effects of testosterone and estradiol-17β on the minerals, protein concentration and protein components were studied in rat submandibular saliva. There was a significant sex difference in the protein content of submandibular saliva with males having higher concentration. The protein concentration of males was decreased by castration and restored by testosterone administration. Mineral concentrations in submandibular saliva of normal males were higher than in normal females. Ca2+ in male and Na+ in male and female saliva were decreased by castration. Na+ of castrated male and female were recovered to the normal levels by testosterone or estradiol-17β. However, testosterone or estradiol-17β had no effect on Ca2+ in saliva. K+ in male and female saliva were not affected by castration or sex hormone treatment. Main protein bands of Mr. 145,000 76,000 64,000 59,000 38,000 and 31,000 were detected in normal male and female saliva by 10% SDS-PAGE. And also, electrophoretic patterns revealed characteristic proteins having Mr. 38,500 in male and Mr. 37,000 in female. The Mr. 38,5000 protein disappeared by testectomy and reappeared after reatment with testosterone. In female, Mr. 37.000 protein was disappeared by ovaryectomy. The protein of Mr. 37,000 was shown by SDS-PAGE in saliva from castrated male and female rats treated by estradiol-17β. Asp, Glu, Pro. Gly and Ala were rich in castrated male and female submandibular saliva. Ile, Tyr and Phe were increased by testosterone administration to the castrated male rat. Estradiol-17β increased the percent amount of Leu, Thr, Lys and Arg in the saliva from ovaryectomized rats. The results suggest that rat submandibular gland was not only androgen sensitive but also estrogen sensitive, revealing that testosterone and estradiol-17β affected the Na+ secretion, protein Components and amino acid components of submandibular saliva.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :