


Title : 根管の機械的な拡大についての実験的研究 I. 新鮮抜去歯を用いた清掃効果に関する実験 II. 根尖狭窄部の拡大と根尖歯周組織の治癒との関係
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 笠原悦男, 安田英一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 松本歯科大学歯科保存学第2講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 22
Number : 4
Page : 604-631
Year/Month : 1988 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「I. 新鮮抜去歯を用いた清掃効果に関する実験 緒言」根管治療の三大要諦として, (1) 根管の清掃拡大, (2)根管の消毒, (3)気密な根管充填が挙げられている. これらのうち, 根管の清掃拡大が適切に行われてはじめて, 次の処置である根管の消毒や気密な根管充填が確実化される. 根管の清掃拡大は, 大別すれば機械的なものと化学的なものに分けられるが, 現在, 最も確実な方法は機械的な手段によるもので, 化学的な方法は補助的なものであると言って良いであろう. 根管を機械的に手用リーマーやファイルを用いて清掃拡大するとき, 理論的には, 根管内の歯髄や壊死物質ならびに感染している根管象牙質壁を完全に除去するまで行う必要がある. とくに, 感染根管で感染象牙質をすべて除去するまで行おうとすると, 根管壁が薄弱となり, 歯の保存が出来なくなるような症例が発生することもあり得るし, また, 感染象牙質の深度を知る方法もないので, 一般には根管内容物と根管壁の有機質を完全に除去するまでとされている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 根管拡大基準, 清掃拡大効果, 根尖歯周組織の治癒


Title : Experimental Studies on the Mechanical Enlargement of Root Canal Part 1 : Effects of Debridement in the Root Canals following Instrumentation Part 2 : The Relationship between Mechanical Destruction of Apical Constriction and Healing of the Periapical Tissue
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Etsuo KASAHARA, Eiichi Yasuda
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Conservative Dentistry, Matsumoto Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 22
Number : 4
Page : 604-631
Year/Month : 1988 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Part 1 : The purpose of this study was to compared the debridement efficacy of mechanical root canal instrumentation using reamer and file. One hundred thirty-one root canals of eighty-one freshly extracted human teeth were collected for the study. These root canals were enlarged with three criteria, Yasuda's, conventional, and Serene's one. All teeth were prepared for serial sectioning without decalcification, and observed histologically at various levels in the root canals. 1. With regard to the effect of debridement in the all experimental root canals, histologic sections showed that the root canal enlargement with reamer by Yasuda's criterion cleaned the canal spaces more effectively than the other techniques, especially at the apical third level of the canal. 2. In the cases of flat canal, the debridement efficacy with reamer by Yasuda's and conventional criteria were inferior to using file with Serene's one. However, as curvature increases, coventional method compared unfavorably with the others. 3. On the curved canals with round shaped in cross section, Yasuda's criterion was most favorable at the apical portion. Part 2 : This study was to determine whether favorable healing of the periapical tissue would occur in the cases which the root canal had been debrided successfully, even if the apical constriction had been destroyed during root canal preparation. The teeth of Macaca fuscata monkeys were used for the experimental model. The root canals were prepared with Yasuda's criterion and obturated with gutta-percha cone and sealer. The teeth were examined radiographically and histologically for the period of 207 to 1067 days to evaluate periapical tissue reaction. The results obtained were as follows : 1. In the cases of destructed apical constriction, gutta-percha cone extended into the periapical tissue. It was showed that the extended cone and adjacent apical root canal wall were resorbed. 2. All the extended cones in the periodontium tapered off to the end, in addition, the cones and the surrounding apical foramina were capsulated by fibrous tissue. The fibrous tissue became more densely as experimerltal term increased. 3. It was recognized that the healing in the periapical tissue after root canal filling was occured in a long term cases, even if apical constriction had been destroyed mechanically.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :