


Title : イヌ乳歯交換期における血管網の変化について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 奥田喜康, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 23
Number : 1
Page : 93-120
Year/Month : 1988 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」生理的歯根吸収のメカニズムに関しては古くから研究されており, Hunter(1771)が, 歯根吸収に関して記録したのが最も古く, その後多くの研究が行われ, その結果, 乳歯根吸収のメカニズムは, 1) Kallhardt(1904)の永久歯胚の発育に伴う機械的圧迫によるものが主流で, 2) Orban(1928), 正木(1932), Hopewell-Smith(1930)の骨と歯の改造機転によるもの, 3) Marshall(1929)の一種の変性機転によるものが加わっている. また, この乳歯根吸収という硬組織の吸収に直接関与している細胞は, 破骨(歯)細胞であるという説が主流である. しかし, その破骨(歯)細胞の起源や経路については現在も不明な点が多い. 一方, 歯根吸収を血管網の構築変化から扱った報告は多くはみられず, 主なものとして田村(1959), 福島(1969), 森谷(1973)がある. 彼らはイヌを用いて, クロロパーチャ血管注入法, 墨汁注入法, マイクロアンギオグラフにより観察している.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 乳歯根吸収, 内部吸収, ぶどうの房状の血管網


Title : Changes of Vascular Architecture During Shedding of Dog Deciduous Teeth
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Yoshiyasu OKUDA, Kazuto Takahashi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 23
Number : 1
Page : 93-120
Year/Month : 1988 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Challges of vascular architecture were observed during the eruption of deciduous teeth of three to five months old puppies, and focused on the vascular network supplying the deciduous periodontal membrane, pulp tissue and the vascular network supplying the reduced enamel epithelium. This study was undertaken using primarily a scanning electron microscope with corrosive resin casts and secondarily a transmission electron microscope. 1. Once root resorption commenced, vascular network supplying the deciduous periodontal membrane produced newly formed small loops, into the resorption lacunae areas, on the root surface. In the advanced resorption stage, each loop makes repeated anastomoses, transforming into a specific vascular pattern. As the resorption stage advanced, the volume of the network along the resorbing surface increased. However, around the multinucleated odontoclasts, numerous capillaries were identified. Most of these capillaries had fenestrations in the attenuated endothelium in close proximity to the resorbing root surface. 2.The vascular network supplying deciduous pulp tissue was similar to that of aged permanent teeth pulp tissue even at the final stage of root formation. 3. The superficial capillary network in deciduous pulp tissue at the time when internal resorption commenced produced expanded capillary loops in the resorbing areas. The lumen of the capillaries contained many blood cells. Arterioles and venules with comparatively large diameters and large bundles of collagen fibrils located at the gap between the deciduous tooth and the reduced enamel epithelium were also observed. 4. The vascular network supplying the inner enamel epithelium was scarcely effected during root resorption. These results indicate that the capillary network supplying the periodontal membrane and the pulp tissue of deciduous teeth are associated with the resorption of hard tissue and the removal of dissolved material from this hard tissue.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :