


Title : 小児の歯科X線被曝の軽減に関する研究 - 小児口内法撮影時の甲状腺プロテクターの考案 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 重根充, 檜垣旺夫
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 23
Number : 2
Page : 208-222
Year/Month : 1988 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「I. 緒言」歯科医療におけるX線撮影件数は, 1960年頃より急激に増加し, 丸山らの報告によると1年間(1985年)の歯科でのX線撮影枚数は, 口内法がその大部分を占め約8,450万枚, 次いでパノラマ撮影が約1,120万枚である. これは医科のX線撮影枚数3億4,000万枚(1979年)の約3分の1に相当する. このことは, 歯科X線撮影が, 歯科医療において不可欠の診断法となっている証拠である. 特に, 小児歯科においては, 対象年齢が低いゆえに, 問診や各種理学的診断法が難しく, 症状を十分に把握することが困難である. したがって, X線診査に強く依存せざるを得ないのが現状である. しかし, その取扱い方によっては放射線障害を惹起する可能性があり, 放射線による利害は常に表裏一体の関係にある. 国際放射線防護委員会(International Comission on Radiological Protection : 略称ICRP)では, 放射線管理に関し, ICRP勧告26のなかで放射線防護の目的に触れ「"非確率的"な有害な影響を防止し, また, "確率的"影響の確率を容認できると思われるレベルまで制限すること」としている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 歯科X線被曝, 小児口内法撮影, 小児, 甲状腺プロテクター


Title : Investigation on X-Ray Irradiation Reduction for Pediatric Patients in Oral Radiography - Development of New Thyroid Shield Protector in Pediatric Intraoral Radiography -
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Mitsuru SHIKONE, Morio Higaki
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pedodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 23
Number : 2
Page : 208-222
Year/Month : 1988 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Diagnostic intraoral radiography carries the undue risk of thyroid gland irradiation due to their physical proximity to the radiation pathway. This is particularly true in children where maximum radiation protection is necessary due to their small physical stature and greater sensitivity of their thyroid to radiation. With this in mind, two new types of pediatric thyroid protectors were constructed. Using the 192 type CAPINTEC (Exposure / Exposure-ratemater) and the TLD (Thermo Luminescence Dosimeter), the effectiveness of the new protectors were analyzed statistically and clinically. They were also compared to other thyroid radiation dosage values reported in the past. The following results were obtained : 1) Even when the tube voltage was altered from 65k Vp to 80k Vp, the shielding effectiveness of the new protectors were satisfactory, recording below 1.0 mR (2.58×10-7C/kg) value. 2) Thyroid protector's clinical results with respect to the six projections of the upper and lower anteriors, cuspids, and molar regions were more than satisfacotry, where the thyroid region's radiation dosage of below 0.9 mR (2.32×10-6C/kg)was obtained. 3) The new protectors were compared against other commercially available protectors with respect to adaptation, ease of handling, cone positioning during exposure, patient movement and weight of the protector. Most of the said problems were resolved with satisfactory in comparison to existing products. 4) As for the risk of thyroid gland cancer, when, the new thyroid gland protector is used it was 9×10-6 and the probability was 1/100,000 ; whereas, it was about 1/50 for the existing protectors.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :