


Title : 顎関節腔造影X線検査による関節雑音に関する研究 - 関節円板形態と関節雑音の種類と発生時期の関係 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 和嶋浩一, 野本種邦
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 慶応義塾大学医学部歯科口腔外科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 23
Number : 4
Page : 510-524
Year/Month : 1989 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」近年, 顎関節症に対する多方面からの研究の結果, 顎関節部軟組織に障害がみられる症例が少なくないことが明らかにされてきた. 古くから顎関節部軟組織の診査には顎関節腔造影X線検査法が非常に有用であると言われ, これによる関節円板の位置および動態観察に関する報告は内外ともに数多く認められる. その結果, 顎関節部軟組織の障害のうちでも, とくに関節円板の位置および動態の異常を特徴とする顎関節内障が多く, 顎関節症患者の半数以上を占めるとの報告もある. したがって, 顎関節内障の病態解明, 治療法の確立は顎関節疾患にとってきわめて重要である. 従来の顎関節内障の研究は, 主に顎関節腔造影X線検査により, 関節円板の前方転位という観点から行われてきた. しかし, 最近, X線検査所見, 手術所見, 及び剖検により, 関節円板前方転位例において関節円板の形態が変形しているとの報告がある. このことから, 顎関節内障は関節円板の位置および動態の異常のみでなく, 関節円板の形態の異常も伴ってくることが推定される.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 顎関節腔造影X線検査法, 復位を伴う関節円板前方転位, 顎関節雑音, 関節円板形態


Title : Arthrographic study on Temporomandibular Joint sounds The Relationship between Morphorogy of Articular Disk and Style, Timming of Temporomandibular Joint Sounds
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Kouiti WAJIMA, Tanekuni Nomoto
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 23
Number : 4
Page : 510-524
Year/Month : 1989 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Arthrographic and morphologic findings have supported the idea that clicking is associated with anterior disk displacement. Although temporomandibular joint sounds have been extensively studied, the correlation between different style and timming of sound and configuration of disk is not well documeted. In this study, joint sounds from 60 temporomandibular joints associated with anterior disk displacement with reduction were correlated with arthrographic examination of disk. Arthrographic configuration of disk was classified according to the criteria of Westesson. The sound was graded to 3 styles, following as silent, click, crepitus, and the timming when the sound occurring in opening (reduction) and closing (re-displacement) was graded according to the criteria of Roberts and Katzberg, following as EARLY, MID, LATE in opening and closing respectively. In arthrographic finding, thirty-nine joints (65.0%) had deformed disks. Unaudible joint sound (silent) was detected arthrographically 16.7% in opening and 45.0% in closing. Click was detected 68.3% in opening and 43.3% in closing. Crepitation was detected 15.0% in opening and 11.7% in closing. Opening sounds were devided to early-16.7%, mid-26.7%, late-56.6% respectively. Closing sounds were devided to early-23.3%, mid-46.7%, late-30.0% respectively. Arthrographic configuration of disk was compared with the style and timming of sound. Statistically significant correlation existed between no-deformed disk group and some deformed disk groups respectively. Characteristic of sound were detected in some arthrographically classified groups. No deformed group had Unaudible joint sounds (silent) and early-opening : late-closing timming. Enlarged posterior band group had reciprocal clicking and late-opening : mid-closing timming. Biplanar group had crepitation and late-opening : early-closing timming. From above results, it was suggested that in cases associated with anterior disk displacement with reduction there is a correlation between some classified groups of disk configuration and the style and timming of joint sounds.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :