


Title : 電鋳加工の歯冠補綴への応用 - 陶材焼付け用メタルフレームについて -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 渡邉実, 浮谷實
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第二講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 24
Number : 1
Page : 77-95
Year/Month : 1989 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」今日, 患者の歯冠修復物に対する関心や要望は外観審美に関するものが多く, 術者もこれらの期待に答えるべく, 審美性に優れた歯科材料を用いた補綴処置が必要とされる. そして近年, 審美的並びに機能的に優れた種々の歯冠補綴法が生みだされ, 日常臨床に広く活用されつつある. 歯冠補綴材料の中で, 陶材は色調の再現性に優れ, 非吸水性と同時に生体親和性が良いという特徴を有し, 個々の症例に応じて色調や形態を考慮しながら築盛焼成するため, 患者固有の天然歯に比較的容易に調和させることが可能である. そのため, 一般的に歯冠補綴を行う場合に, 陶材を利用する方法が普及し定着している. 陶材に関しては, 1886年, C.H.Landによるプラチナ・ホイル・マトリックス上に陶材を築盛焼成したポーセレン・ジャケット陶製作に始まり, 1960年代には, 金属コーピングの表面にポーセレンを溶着した金属焼付け陶材冠が, さらに1965年に, McLeanとHughesによるアルミナ結晶を含有させたアルミナスポーセレンが開発された.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 電鋳加工, メタルフレーム, 陶材焼付け用


Title : An Application of Electroforming for Coronal Restorations. - Metal Frame for Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns -
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Minoru WATANABE, Makoto Ukiya
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of 2nd Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 24
Number : 1
Page : 77-95
Year/Month : 1989 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Today, it has been quite important to realize that the esthetic facter the coronal restration is more emphasized in dantal practice. It is popular to use porcelain as a dental material for the Coronol restoration and the technique is pretty much stabilized. Because of the color itself and its great affinity to the human body. Mostly used technique is the porcelain fused-to metal crown. However, there are various disadvantages relating to this technique. On the other hand. The electroforming technique has some great characteristics that is producing the complex shape with less diffculity, and the improvement of it's final surface. It also has the ability for reduplication. Overall, metal frame can be constracted on the same working model without a duplication of it. Therefore, it is possible to make the procedure extremely simple. Here, the author has done some experiments with the newly developed electroforming apparatus for constructing the Coronal restoration. The purpose of the experiments are to apply all these great advantages of the sistem to dental prothodontics field. One characteristic of the equipment is the diffusion of current distribution by the cathode rotary system. The other one is the circulation of electrolyte for reducing the diffusion layer. Firstly, the author operated the electroposition with Ni on the three different standard models of abutment teeth, in order to determine the possibility of making a metal frame and the relationship between the shape of the abutment teeth and the current. Next experiment was to investigate if it's possible to apply the metal frame, constructed by the apparatus, to porcelain fused-to metal crown by again determining the relationship between the electropositioned metal and the porcelain. The results were obtained as follows. 1. It was possible to construct a metal frame for the porcelain fused-to metal crown by the method. 2. The minimum electroposition time was aproximately 35~40 min. with a hith current density. 3. The thickness of the metal frame did not effect the current, however it barely effected the shape of the abutment teeth. 4. The tensile strength by shear was aproximately 150kg/cm2. 5. There was no evident that the current has any effects on tensile strength.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :