


Title : ウシ歯根膜プロテオグリカンの単離とその生化学的物質に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 遠藤信孝, 鈴木祥井
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学矯正学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 24
Number : 1
Page : 207-218
Year/Month : 1989 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯根膜は歯と歯槽骨の間に介在し, 咬合圧などの外力を緩衝している結合組織であり細胞成分とその間を埋める細胞間物質によって構成されている. 細胞間物質は, 主としてセメント質と歯槽骨を結合するための線維成分とさらに線維間を埋める無定形のground substanceとから成っている. 歯根膜の線維成分は主にコラーゲン線維(Type I, Type III)から成り, 歯を歯槽骨内に強固に保持し, 歯に加わる機械的刺激に抵抗する役割を担っている. また, ground substanceは主に非コラーゲン成分である糖蛋白やプロテオグリカンなどにより構成され, 歯根膜の粘弾性や組織の改造などに関与しているものと考えられている. しかし, 歯根膜の非コラーゲン成分の生理的役割に関してはなお不明な点が多く, 歯周組織の生理機能や病態を理解する上で重要な課題となっている. 歯根膜非コラーゲン成分の中でもとくにプロテオグリカンはこの組織を特徴づける重要な成分であろうと考えられているが, なおその分子形態に関する明確な知見は得られていない.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 歯根膜, プロテオグリカン, デルマタン硫酸


Title : Isolation and Characterization of Proteoglycan in Bovine Periodontal Ligament
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Nobutaka ENDO, Yoshii Suzuki
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Orthodontics Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 24
Number : 1
Page : 207-218
Year/Month : 1989 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Proteoglycan, one of the major non-collagenous protein in the connective tissue, is bound with fibronectin and other cell adhesion proteins, and has a role in the formation of the tissue and the organ. Although the glycosaminoglycan components in various tissue have been widely investigated, the molecular structure of periodontal ligament proteoglycan (PDL-PG) was rarely reported. In present study, proteoglycans of bovine periodontal ligament were purified by chromatography from material adsorbed by DEAE-Sephacel from a guanidium HCl extract. The sequential chromatographic steps consisted of ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel in 4M urea and gel filtration on Sepharose CL-4B in 4M guanidium HCl. The preparation contained a relatively small proteoglycan (Mr=132,000 dalton) and a free glycosaminoglycan chain (Mr=88,000 dalton). A Mr=58,000 dalton core protein was shown by gradient SDS gel electrophoresis after chondroitinase ABC or chondroitinase AC II treatment. The glycosaminoglycan chains after chondroitinase AC II hydrolysis were seen on gel as polydispersed, broad alcian blue staining material (Mr=20,000-60,000 dalton) while chains were totally hydrolyzed by chondroitinase ABC. These indicate a chondroitin sulfate / dermatan sulate (CS / DS) hybrid glycosaminoglycan chain. Papain digestion of the proteoglycan resulted in a single glycosaminoglycan chain after SDS gel electrophoresis with no protein band. These results suggest that the PDL-PG is slightly larger than that of bone and contains a single chondriotin sulphate / dermatan sulphate chain attatched to a 58 K core protein. Antisera raised against PDL-PGs cross-reacted with PDL-PGs but not with other PDL proteins or bone PGs. It has been shown that during biosynthesis of dematan sulfate, L-iduronic acid is formed by epimerization of D-glucuronic acid, and sulfation. The degree of epimerization and sulfation may be related to the function of PDL in buffering the mechanical force applied to the tooth.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :