


Title : ラット顎下腺分泌顆粒に及ぼす性ホルモンの影響
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 天木宏之, 山中義之
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学生化学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 24
Number : 2
Page : 301-310
Year/Month : 1989 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」ゲッ歯目の顎下腺が, 唾液分泌という外分泌機能を有するのに加え, 男性ホルモン依存性の分泌顆粒が発見されて以来, 顎下腺が内分泌的作用を有する臓器として注目を集め各分野での研究対象となってきた. nerve growth factor(NGF), epidermal growth factor(EGF)あるいは顎下腺に強い特異性を示すトリプシン様プロテアーゼなどの生理活性物質は, 顎下腺顆粒管細胞内分泌顆粒に含まれ, 顎下腺の男性ホルモン依存性及び性差は, この顆粒管部位に認められる. 顆粒管の分泌顆粒は, 雄血中テストステロン濃度が, 急速に増加する4週齢以降に発達してこの時期より雌雄顎下腺に形態差が出現し, また雌への男性ホルモンの投与や雄の性腺摘出に対して, それらの量や活性が同調する. 顎下腺の分泌顆粒が, 男性ホルモン投与により増加するという現象に対して, Flynnらは, 活性型女性ホルモンであるエストラジオール-17βの腹腔内移植により, 顆粒管細胞内の顆粒数の著明な減少, 顆粒の染色度合の変化がみられることより, タンパク合成に変異が生じる可能性を示唆している.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 顎下腺, 分泌顆粒, 性ホルモン


Title : The Effects of Testosterone and Estradiol-17βon the Secretory Granules of Rat Submandibular Gland.
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Hiroyuki AMAKI, Yoshiyuki Nakayama
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Biochemistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 24
Number : 2
Page : 301-310
Year/Month : 1989 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : The effects of testosterone and estradiol-17β on the protein components, amino acid, compositions and trypsin-like protease activities in the secretory granules of granular duct cells of rat submandibular glands were assayed. Male and female adult rats were divided into 4 groups, non treatment (control), castrated, testosterone injected and estradiol-17β injected groups. The castrated rats were received 5 injections of 5mg/kg testosterone or 500μg/kg estradiol-17β every other day 3 weeks after the castration. The secretory granules of submandibular gland obtained, from each group were prepared using centrifugal fractionation with sucrose step gradient. The protein components of secretory granule were separated by 5-15% SDS-PAGE, and the SDS-PAGE revealed the characteristic proteins of MW 39,000 in male and MW 37,000 in female. The MW 39,000 and the MW 37,000 protein was disappeared by testectomy and ovaryectomy, respectively. The MW 39,000 protein was reappeared in the castrated male rat treated by testosterone and shown in castrated female rat treated by the same steroid. Similary the MW 37,000 protein was, found in the castrated male and female rats treated by estradiol-17β. From the results of amino acid composition analysis, abundant Asp, Ser, Glu and Gly were revealed in the MW 39,000 protein and MW 37,000 protein. Trypsin-like protease activity located in secretory granule was reduced by castration in both male and female, however, the enzyme activities were elevaled by testosterone or estradiol-17β injection, revealing rather higher activities than control. It was demonstrated that the secretory granule of rat submandibular gland contained the testosterone dependent protein having a MW of 39,000 and the estradiol-17β dependent protein having a MW of 37,000, and that the trypsin-like protease activities in the granules were sensitive to both testosterone and estradiol-17β.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :